Do I Get Paid To Carry You

Start from the beginning

He growled, "Don't you dare call me that again."

I rose a brow, keeping my mouth shut and lended my hand to him. He was hesitant as always. Probably thinking about all the ways I could trick him. I rolled my eyes, wondering if there were such ways to trick him. His hands grabbed onto me and slapped me out of my daze. I was surprised to see that short stake has accepted my help.


Pink tint danced across his cheeks, it made me hum, adoring his expression. I pulled him up, slinging my arms around his shoulders. A mischievous grin appeared on my face. Levi was wary, trying to break away from my grasp. Which I couldn't blame him or his gut feelings.

"What are you doing?"

The tip of his lips tugged down. His grey eyes stared back into mines with sternness in his voice. Hoping that that will throw me off. But it didn't.

"According to the doctor's recommendation. You shouldn't be walking right now. So our only option is this." My foot slide underneath his, hooking it. Grabbing him from under the knees, easily carrying in bridal style. He furrowed his brows. "Let's go, Levi. You have a comfy bed waiting for you."

"So you're a doctor now?"

He mumbled under his breath. It was funny to see him break character. I just shrugged, letting him shift around in my arms. He perked up as I threw my cape onto him. He probably knew the deal and pretty much knew what's going to happen. He huddles up into a small ball. But of course, he had to remin me that he wasn't a fan of this with a groan. Just a slight action that described his distaste and hatred for me right now.

"Don't move, Levi. Or your pride is screwed."

"More like shut your mouth. Or I'm going to shut it for you."

I rolled my eyes, kissing my teeth as I made my way to the door. I waited behind the wall, giving Levi a minute to make himself comfortable.
Once he was done, I pushed opened the door with my foot. Walking out the room with a not a human, in my hands, casually strolling down the corridors. Eyes fell onto me - no, Eyes fell on the big 'luggage' I was carrying. I was impressed that Levi didn't remove an inch.

He really wants to keep his pride intact, huh?

From the corner of my eyes, I spotted Petra running towards me.

"Where's captain Levi?" She asked, worried and filled with guilt. "Is he okay?" Her eyes fell onto my arms, pointing at the luggage. "Do you need help with that, Sergeant?"

I shook my head. Feeling Levi tense up in my arms from Petra's question, "No, thanks. I'm fine, Petra." Petra just stared at me, unsure of my answer. "Are you saying I'm weak, Petra?" I watch her shrink under me. Her confidence melting away like an ice cube. Before I could say anything else, Levi had already punched me in my guts.

That damn simp.

I kissed my teeth, annoyed at Levi's action.

"You can head back now. Be more respectful next time."

I told Petra. The last few words was meant to be for Levi. But I'm pretty sure I broke the poor girl's heart. I walked past her. I could still feel her eyes on the back of my head. Soldiers saluted at me then their eyes would fall onto the 'thing' I was carrying in my arms. I walked past them before they could offer a helping hand.

I huffed, maneuvering around. Trying to reach the doorknob without dropping Levi. Or even worst, asking for help. Levi 'not suspiciously' slid his hand out from under the fabric and opened the door for me secretly.

The door was pushed open by a 'sudden gust of wind'. Even though all the windows were shut. I glanced around, making sure that no one saw a hand poking out of nowhere. When I confirmed that everything was good, I walked inside the office. Closing Mike's newly installed door, or should I say, girlfriend.


I had a wicked smiled on. Releasing him. I let his balled-up figure drop onto the floor with a thump.

"What the fuck is wrong with your small ass brain [Y/N]?" He yelled out, but he made no move to get up by himself.

A big old grin appeared onto my face as I squatted down. I hovered over him, satisfied after seeing the red shade of blush blossom onto his cheeks the closer I get. In the corner of my eyes, I could see him raise his leg. Before he could kick me off him, I pulled out my cape from under him. Resulting in another groan from the short stack.

"Oops- sorry." I smiled, folding up my green cape. Tucking it under my arms. "Didn't see you there."

I watch as the corner of his lips tug down even more. He frowned frequently, but I don't blame him. He lived in the underground most of his life. I shrugged it off, leaving the said male on the ground and made my way to the door without bidding my farewells.

"At least get me a cup of tea."

"I'll think about it."


"Never thought you'll actually get tea for me."

I took a sip from my own cup, "What? You think I'm that heartless? Mister grumpy?" I placed the empty cup down, "So, how's the tea?"

"I can tolerate it, brat. But I can make tea much better than you."

He spoke through his teeth. I rolled my eyes, leaning onto my hands as I glanced up at him. He looked down at me with confusion.

"What? You got an eye problem."

"No. I just thought something went wrong in that little brain of yours. You were unusually quiet."

I chuckled, "Are you worried about me, Levi?"

"No, brat. I'm worried that your dumbass attitude is going to rub off on me." He hissed out between sips of his black tea. It looked like he was enjoying my own handy work.

"Nah. You're worried about me."

One topic led to another. I haven't noticed that the sun had set and the moon had already risen until Levi's eyes became droopy. He sighed, trying to keep himself awake for as long as possible. His black eye bags still haven't faded. Which isn't that uncommon. Also might be an aftereffect from the cold he caught yesterday night. I observed him more to spot details I might've missed.


He didn't answer, instead he fell asleep right then and there. Fortunately enough for him, his head didn't slam onto the table. I chuckled at his sleeping figure. He looked like the most peaceful man in the world when he was asleep. I hauled him up to carry him in my arms as I took him to his bed to tuck him in again. His forehead was somehow still burning, something I didn't notice before. He probably still has a fever.

I tucked him in and brushed his black locks out of his face. In the dim room, the moonlight hit him in the most perfect way. I sighed and reached for my mouth as an incoming yawn was coming my way. Stretching out my limbs, I climbed out of the bed. But suddenly stopped when I heard what fell out of his mouth next.

"Fucking shit, don't leave me-"


The Savior Of My Past - Levi x Dom!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now