Chapter 3: girls of a feather flock together

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Chapter 3: girls of a feather flock together

~Lilly Pov~

The phone rang and England picked it up and handed it to me, "there's one person we need to meet!" Sarah said, "I really think we should meet all of them but who?" I asked, "Canada!" We both said, England jumped and nearly spilled his tea everywhere. "Alright! I've already called the other girls were going to meet up here then walking. Bring your boy." Sarah said, "understood!" I sang and she hung up. England smiled at me with uneasy eyes. "Who was that?" He asked, "The hero." I said and he grimaced, "Sarah?" I said and he smiled, "oh, what did you understand?" He asked sipping his after breakfast tea. "The girls and I are going over to see Canada." I said and his eyebrows furrowed together. "Who?" He asked and I smiled and clapped my hands together and smiled, "he's like America-" England grimaced, "but only in appearance, he's quite and tries to join you all for meetings but you never recognize him!" I said and he nodded probably not getting a single word I said. I got up, "I better get going, the girls would probably shoot me if I'm not there," I said, and nearly forgot what she said. "We better get going then." England said and grabbed a light covering for me. "Alright." I said and he grabbed my hand. We walked to America's country. We somehow didn't need to use a jet. Anime!

I looked and saw that Sarah had on an American flag shirt with skinny jeans and sneakers, Dylan was in a cute tan sweater and a pair of jeans, Brea wore a blue kimono, Russia was wearing around the same thing as Dylan, Japan to Brea, America and Sarah. All except England and I, he wore a brown suit and I wore the green dress. We walked up to Canada's country and I saw him sitting on a bench with his teddy, Kumajirou, or Jiro as I liked to call him. "Canada!" We waved as the girls and I hugged him, the boys just looked shocked and confused. "Wh-who are you?!" Canada whispered, "we know who you are Canada!" Sarah said, "you too Kumajirou." I said and patted the bear. He blushed and ran away from us. "Our-" "work-" "is-" "done." We all said and went back to the boys. "Who was that?" America asked, "your brother!" Sarah said as she jumped on Dylan's shoulders. I smiled over to England who smiled back. Dylan nudged me into the snow and now I was freezing! I grabbed a wad of snow and threw it at her but hit Russia instead. He looked at me, my smile disappeared and was replaced with wide eyes and and expression that said "oh shit." "Ah! Dear fates, please don't kill me!" I yelled and dove into a snow bank and slid down a steep hill. I fell to the bottom and looked up and saw the girls wander over to the edge. "Don't come down! I'll keep walking till I come to a better area to climb up!" I yelled as I saw Sarah trying to go down, "Sarah Jason! If you come down I'll hit you!" I yelled and she stopped with the help of America grabbing her. "How are we supposed to find you?! You don't have a phone and there's no signal!" America yelled, "Lilly, start singing, we'll follow your voice!" Brea yelled, very unlike her. I nodded and walked off. I cleared my throat as I began to walk in the two foot snow.

[I love you too much

To leave without you loving me back

I love you too much

Heaven's my witness

And that is a fact

I know I belong

When I sing this song

There's love above love and it's ours

'Cause I love you too much

I live for your touch

I whisper your name night after night

I love you too much

There's only one feeling and I know it's right

I know I belong

When I sing this song

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