Chapter 13: Cuddle

Start from the beginning

"So you're saying you wouldn't date me?" she lifted her head off of my chest

"I wasn't saying that." I said

"Then what did you mean?" she tilted her head

"I feel like I should take you out at least once before dating." I smiled, "Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine." she smiled too

   I'm glad she agrees, I gently pushed her head back down against my chest. I grabbed the blanket and put it over the both of us, making sure we're both warm.

   Suddenly the bedroom door opened, revealing Taehyung.

"Oops, sorry to ruin the moment." Tae apologized

"Hey, we need to tell you everything that happened today." I said to him

"Oh okay." he entered the room and sat at the edge of the bed

"Okay so..." I started

Time Skip (after explaining)

"Wow, that's a lot for just one day." Tae chuckled

"Right?" I laughed

"Anyways, when's your first date?" he asked teasingly

"Ah, we haven't thought about it yet." I smiled

   I looked down at Y/n, she was taking a peaceful nap on my chest. I smiled at how cute she looked, this girl deserves everything...

"The way you look at her says everything." Tae laughed

"I'll take care of your sister, don't worry." I smiled

"You better, you make her happy." he smiled

   Y/n then started to wake up, she looked into my eyes as I ruffled her hair. She then looked at Tae.

"Taehyung Oppa, what's for dinner?" Y/n asked sleepily

"I mean, is instant ramen fine with you two?" Tae asked us

"I'm fine with it." I replied, "How about you, baby?

"Baby?" she looked up at me

"Yeah, you're my baby." I smiled

"I'm fine with it too." she hid her blushing face

"Haha, alright. You two can cuddle downstairs." Tae laughed

"Alright, whatever you say." I laughed too, carrying Y/n downstairs

We all went downstairs, I laid on the couch, laying Y/n back down on my chest. Tae went to the kitchen to cook instant ramen.

"Chim, didn't we already go on a date?" Y/n asked

"Yeah we did, but it was a friendly one." I explained

"So you want a romantic one?" she laughed

"Hm, yeah." I smiled

"Romantic? Like... sex?" Tae asked

"Tae, what the fuck?" I laughed, "And I thought I was dirty minded."

"Don't tell me you didn't even think about that once." he rolled his eyes

"I mean, it'll happen... someday." I looked down at Y/n, who is now hiding her face in my chest

I ruffled her hair, she stopped hiding her face. I caressed her cheek. I pulled her up closer to my face, I kissed her forehead and she blushed.

"So cute." I chuckled

"I love you..." she mumbled shyly

"I love you too." I smiled

She was relieved when I said it back, she hugged me tighter and I did it back.

"Ramen is ready." Tae said

"Wow, that was fast." I said

"It's called instant ramen for a reason." he joked

"I know, but some people put stuff inside. They might've cracked an egg inside, or even put a slice of cheese on top." I laughed, "Which would've made the cooking time longer."

"Makes sense." he laughed too

I carried Y/n over to the kitchen and sat her down, I sat next to her.

Once we finished our food, we went upstairs to sleep. I didn't take Y/n to her room, but to my room. I laid her down in my bed and laid next to her.

"ChimChim, can we cuddle?" Y/n asked

"Aww, of course." I smiled

I pulled her closer to me, she snuggled into my chest. I pulled the blanket over the both of us, I kissed her forehead then we both fell asleep peacefully.

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