Interview With PaigeyLou

Start from the beginning

4. Which of your book is/was your favorite to write, which do you update most often, which is the easiest to write for you and which do you dislike the most? (and why?) 

Wrapped in Silk is my favourite to write as I made the world up, so I can really do whatever the heck I want with it. It can go so many ways, so much could happen. I love the freedom I have with it. I also update it most often, and it's the easiest for me to write because it's so fresh in my mind.   Heart of Fire is the one I dislike. I hated my original draft, which is why I took it down, but the rewrite is slowly killing me. Updates for that are slow.  

5. How long does it usually take you to write a complete chapter, editing included if you do edit? 

It really depends. Sometimes I can crack two, 5-page chapters out in one day, including editing. Sometimes it can take me weeks.  

6. If you could recommend one of your books for someone to read, completed or in progress, which would it be? 

Wrapped in Silk. It's a little slow after the first 3 chapters, but it's really starting to pick up now.  

7. What's your favorite part of a book to write? 

The relevant parts.

  8. What is your least favorite part to write? 

The filler -__- The parts where the characters travel or where a long period of time has to progress. I'm so slow at those bits because I hate them.  

9. Is there a book (possibly not even posted on an eBook site) that you are embarrassed to have even THOUGHT about writing?

Yes. Oh GAD yes. But I won't say anything about other than OhMaiGAD, it was awful.  

10. How many other eBook/Writing websites do you use to post your stories and which ones are they? 

I sometimes post on FictionPress, but not often.  


10 Questions About What You Think of Wattpad!  

1. What was the first thought in your mind when you found this eBook-ing website? 

I don't really remember. It was alright.  

2. After first starting Wattpad, how easy was it for you to figure out how to use it? 

I also don't remember xD  

3. If you could change one thing about Wattpad or the Wattpad App, what would it be? 

If there was possibly something they could do to speed up their servers at peak times, especially in the SYS club, that'd be great.  

4. What's your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

The people. I mean, sure, you get the annoying ones, but most of the people are wonderful :3  

5. Whose your favorite author on here, and what's your favorite book written by them? 

I have many, I couldn't say just one. However, my favourite story on here is Amaranthine by LDCrichton. It was published and I bought a copy off Amazon I loved it so much :3 You can find it in my reading list under Paranormal/Spiritual.  

6. How many fans is the perfect number for you? 

To have even one is amazing :3 I have 146 right now, but only some of them are dedicated people who I consider internet friends.  

7. What do you think should be done to make less-popular authors on here, more popular?

 I'm not sure. I mean, they have an Undiscovered Gems section, but not many people go there, and Wattpad can't really force people to read stories xD I guess the less popular just have to do what everyone else does and post in the SYS club religiously without spamming.  

8. What's your favorite genre of book to read on here? 

Fantasy or Horror.  

9. What 'Undiscovered Gem' on Wattpad do you recommend most for reading (yours or someone elses)? 

Can I recommend several? Here goes: (these can all be found in my various reading lists)

Broken Heart by unadulteratedlove Alice by Sheena_Nakamura Control by Corazie Come Out From The Shores And To Your Slaughter by KilimanGreene Inner Shadows by FrankiValerie The Demons Within Us by Invisibleinkxoxo Apocalypse by thestormrider1300 

10. And over all, what would you rate Wattpad (on a score of 1-10) and if you’ve used any other eBook-ing websites, how do they compare? 

10/10, definitely. Much better than the others I've come across.


10 Rather Random Questions!  

1. Whats your favorite place to go to to shop? 

I don't shop xD I might have to say Starbucks as I LOVE hot drinks.  

2. Are you allergic to nuts? And if not, whats your favorite kind? 

Yes and no. Peanuts make my tongue red, and I just really dislike all other nuts.  

3. Can you unjumble this word: tiheglr


[So close, but I suppose that is a word mhm, it was supposed to be 'lighter' though, lol] 

4. Have you ever been to a pool party? 

In Scotland? HA, don't be silly...  

5. Do you prefer Pokemon, Digimon or YuGiOh? 

Many might hate me, I know by best friend will, but YuGiOh. I didn't have Pokemon or Digimon as a kid, just YuGiOh at weekends, so I grew up with it.  

6. Fill in the blank: I want to lick a  ___________? 

Lemon :3  

7. What's your favorite symbol (or picture or smiley) that you can make on the keyboard? 


8. What is your favorite outdoor sport? that an outdoor sport? Basketball then.  

9. What is your favorite word? 

Lascivious. It means sexy :P  

10. What medicine/cream do you use (if any) when you have a cut or scrape? 

I don't. If it's a weeny papercut, I lick it (don't judge, we all have habits). I tend to just leave them otherwise.

Interview With The Author [Book Two: Completed]Where stories live. Discover now