Chapter Thirty

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Nova's P.O.V.

I walked a few paces behind the team, watching as Steve and Bucky, at his insistence, dragged Dr. Ekelhaft behind them on the trek back to the Quinjet. He had his eyes on me as he was being pulled backwards, his expression showing only fear as his legs failed to hold him up long enough for him to walk. A small part of me was pleased that his ego, power and bravery were all gone, completely shattered by none other than myself- I found great joy in the fact, but the rest of me was almost blank; After everything that had happened my mind was whirling so fast I couldn't catch even a glimpse of a thought, I walked slowly, dazed, only focusing when I heard a familiar voice.

"I have to admit, I am impressed." Loki's voice came not from inside my head but beside me, and I turned my head in surprise. "Even if you didn't kill him."

"Loki, how-?" I quickly glanced ahead at the team, watching as Tony had no reaction when he looked back to check on me while Ekelhaft began to squirm in fear. "They can't see you?"

"No, only he can," Loki chuckled, gesturing to the Dr. "But only because I thought it would be funny, and I was right." He grinned mischievously at the terror on Ekelhaft's face and I couldn't help but laugh a little too before I began to think once again.

"What am I gonna do now Loki?" I muttered, feeling his curious gaze as I stared straight ahead. "I still don't understand what I am and I know I've scared them, what if I find something I can't control? What if I hurt them? I don't want to be a bad-"

"Nova, darling, your imagination is really getting ahead of you." He sighed, and I finally met his eyes to see him smiling; it wasn't mischievous this time, instead it was fondly amused. "You seem to forget you were born this way, I helped you gain full control in that cell all that time ago when we revisited your memories. It is who you are. But, in any case you're free to visit my cell in Asgard at any time if you want advice, I won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

"But I thought Heimdall owed you a favor, wasn't that the only reason he allowed me to see you right away?" Loki scoffed, waving a hand nonchalantly.

"Yes yes- but who isn't enamored by you? You won the soldier's heart, you could just as easily charm your way in." He jested with a wink and I blushed, unable to stop my laugh.

"Maybe next time I'll just call up and ask if he wants to have a chat," Our giggling caused Clint to turn and look at me curiously and I waved sheepishly in response, causing him to smile and shake his head before turning away again. I looked back at Loki, letting out a deep sigh.

"I think this is a good time to say goodbye," He decided, noticing that we were approaching the Quinjet.

"I think you're right," I agreed quietly. "Although I will admit that I'll miss having you in my head. I mean- that sounds weird," I laughed at my own words while he looked at me a little bemused. "I meant because you've seen everything in there, you're the one person who knows every detail..."

"I understand." His expression was soft as I reached over and squeezed his hand. Then his mischievous grin returned and his eyes glinted as he slowed his walk. "Farewell, Lady Nova." And in a glint of green he was gone. I chuckled a little and walked toward the Quinjet, noticing Bucky waiting for me on the outside.

"Hey Bucky," I smiled at him, suddenly feeling exhausted now that my mind was once again my own. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, I didn't realize what I was capable of and I was so close to just..." I motioned as though ripping out Ekelhaft's heart with my hands before dropping them to my sides in defeat.

"I'm pretty sure I told you to stop apologizing," Bucky pretended to scold me as the corners of his mouth turned upward, and he pulled me to his chest in a most welcomed embrace. "I still see you as the same enigma you've always been to me."

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