Chapter Twenty Six

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Nova's P.O.V.

I was suddenly surrounded by light; flashing a rainbow of colors as I felt myself shooting upwards whilst still screaming, eventually not knowing which way was up before unexpectedly lurching forward and feeling my hands hit a smooth cold surface. Still in a panic I scrambled to sit upright, looking up to see a tall man in full golden armor wielding an enormous sword regarding me curiously. I shuffled backward in fear almost in tears, confused by the spinning circular room and completely disoriented.

"Please, don't turn me away I just needed to escape, he made me call, I'm sorry-"

"Never have I been called upon by a Midgardian in such a way before, and I have stood here a very long time." His voice was deep and soothing, it was almost comforting, and his golden eyes were warm and in no way angry. "Welcome to Asgard, Lady Nova." Even though my heart was beating so fast and my mind was running a mile a minute, I managed to calm my panic enough to speak.

"You know my name?"

"I am Heimdall, I see everything." He responded. "I have been watching. In truth, Thor Odinson did mention your name upon his last return from Midgard, also returning a certain prisoner he helped escape." His eyes twinkled with amusement and I was stunned, expecting this obvious guard to be a lot more angry.

"He saved my life- he told me if I was desperate then I should call for you," I admitted, my mind still racing with thoughts about the team who I had left to fight my tormentor. "He has helped me, I need to see him, I want answers from him." I watched Heimdall's face closely, still not sensing any anger, only contemplation as he regarded me with those golden eyes.

"You are lucky I want to be in debt to Loki for as little time as possible," He mused. "I owe him a favor, believe it or not, but I cannot guarantee that you will have much time before you are found." I nodded, not caring about any consequences. "Very well, follow me, Lady Nova." I trailed behind Heimdall as we travelled over a bridge of what looked like glass, smooth shards of every color in the rainbow glistening beneath our feet. I was enthralled by the golden city, its beauty distracted me so much that I came back to my senses only when we came to a dark staircase, descending slowly before rows of cells came into view, each holding their captives with a sort of hazy yellow force field. I could see one that was sparsely furnished, and as we approached Loki sat up with a smile on his face, locking eyes with me. Heimdall opened the cell, allowing me to step inside.

"I shall wait outside, I will know if there is any trouble." He glared at Loki for a moment before closing the cell and leaving us in our silent staring contest.

"I know it was you who compelled me to call for Heimdall." I whispered shakily. "Why now?"

"You would not have lasted in a fight in the state of shock and fear you're in," He spoke calmly. "Remember I told you, 'if ever you need my help'. I did you a favor."

"I've left my team to face him!" I all but shouted, causing him to glare at me, evidently wanting me to be quiet.

"They will be fine." He waved his hand nonchalantly. "They will be able to get away, he is far too angry to effectively fight after all." That didn't make me feel any better and I glared at him for a moment, meeting the eyes that had been a comfort for me before; now they made me mad.

"Why have you been watching me all this time?" Silence. "I know you have, your eyes haunt me, you've been following me everywhere." More silence.

"I was wrong to call you mortal." He began quietly, catching me by surprise. "I could sense you were more than that from the beginning, and now, after watching you for so long," He gestured to the necklace peeking out from my suit. "I am certain you are more than that."

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