Why can't I change?- Introduction.

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Change is such a weird thing. It’s something that affects everyone and everything in the world. But what I found funny is that change decided to avoid me. What I am saying may make no sense now but maybe you’ll understand after I start this story.

Year 7, the times when you weren’t afraid to be silly in front of anyone and no one really cared about the way they looked, what make up they had on or how stylish they looked in their school uniform. Those times were good; sometimes I wish I could go back to them now.  All of a sudden, in year 9 and 10, everybody became more conscious of the way they looked, constantly looking in the school toilet mirrors trying to fix up their makeup and talking about the amount of boys they’d kissed, given heads to or had sex with as if their mum’s hadn’t taught them any better.  But me, I’d just watch and stare at them in disgust but at the same time envy them for being much prettier and more mature than me. Sometimes I wished, that somehow I’d be kinda like them, that’s excluding their slutty ways of course. But I’d dismiss that thought as quickly as it would enter my head because I knew that as long as I was Cara Shawes my wishes would never come true.


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