Chapter 21 Into The Eagle's Nest

Start from the beginning

"so hurry up and speak y/n whats the surprise" Tsukishima impatiently asked

"Don't be rude" Suga said to the tall player

"yes y/n we are all excited to hear what you have to say," Daichi said as he gently patted you on the head

I swallowed the lump in my throat and just kept concentrated on the plan.

"I just wanted to invite you all over to my house today after practice to have dinner. I was thinking that we could all make a hotpot together" I said

After I was done speaking I looked up to see almost everyone smiling except for Tsukishima and Kageyama. Noya and Hinata both jumped on me pulling me into a hug but they were both over-energetic. All three of us fell onto the hard concert floor their weight pinned me onto the ground. Daichi and Asahi both lifted one of the males off of me as they both lectured them on how to be more gentle. Suga helped me off of the ground after he gently dusted off any dust that got on to me.

"Are you okay Sugar?" Suga asked

"yes I'm used to it by now," I said

it was true Hinata and Noya always seem to knock me onto the ground to the point where I was starting to think it was instinctual.

"is it going to be just us or is your sister going to be there," Suga asked

"my sister has study plans so it'll just be us," I said

The look on each male's face made me cringe I was happy I couldn't see what was going on in each of their minds. I inch closer to the door ready to leave the storage room before anything happens.

"so will just walk to your house after we are done with afternoon practice," Daichi said

"I have a doctor appointment today so ill be leaving school after moring practice" I lied

I wasn't going to tell them the truth and I had made Kiyoko promise that she wouldn't tell anyone about me transferring schools.

"oh no are you sick" Tanka worriedly asked

"no it's just a yearly check-up so don't worry" I explain

"ask if they can put you on birth control," Tsukishima said

Noone interjected to scowl Tsukishima so they most have agreed with him. This made me go cold with thoughts of me having sex with any of them. We had all fooled around but none of them had ever tried to have sex with me. This just made the urge for me to escape even stronger.

"I'll ask," I said

With that, we all exited the storage room and began practice the Spring High Miyagi Prefecture Representative Playoffs were coming up so everyone was practicing hard. If these males would have been normal I would have hoped that they did well even hoped they got their revenge on Abojohsai but they weren't normal. As much as I hated myself for it I enjoyed watching them lose even enjoyed their misery. Sometimes I hated the person I was becoming but this was all of theirs fault and I would get my revenge.

After practice was over I said my goodbyes but had to listen to Hinata whine about me not going to class before I left. I made my way to the bus stop making sure to hold on to my school records that I needed to shows the person who was doing my interviews. My first stop was Shiratorizawa where I had an interview with the principal of the school. When I talked to him on the phone I informed him that my mother was unable to join us because of her work schedule. Where some schools may have frowned upon this they seemed impressed on how independent I was.

At the bus stop in Sendai, I got off and to a short walk to make it to Shiratorizawa. The school is what to be expected of a rich school it had lots of nice buildings, fancy sports fields, expensive vehicles, and it even had horses. If I couldn't get a scholarship then I wouldn't be able to go to this school. I walked into the office where I was greeted by a heavyset middle-aged woman she gave me a huge smile when I walked through the door.

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