Chapter 12: Island Exam Begins

Start from the beginning

   "What's wrong? Did you perhaps waste all that insignificant energy of yours just by talking? How pathetic. And you call yourself a Class A student?" I began insulting him in front of all the people close by.

   In response to he grabbed me by my collar, pulling me closer to him. He glared at me or should I say tried to.

   "A defective person like you should know their place, isn't that right everyone?" He shouted, gathering the attention of the nearby students.

   Many students backed away from us due to them not wanting to involve themselves. In addition, the ones who would benefit from this are Class C and Class B.

   "You sure are easy to provoke. The way you act made me realize how an actual defective should behave. Someone who talks shit, but can't back it up." A slight grin began forming on my face, provoking him further.

   The now enraged boy raised his fist up, clearly showing everybody that he was planning to hit me. But before he could take action a voice called him out.

   "Stop this nonsense at once." A student in the crowd said.

   He was a young man of above average height. He wore a clam, yet serious expression. On top of that he was bald. And you know what they say about bald people. They sacrifice hair for power.

   "B-But Katsuragi-san!"

   So his name is Katsuragi, huh? Ah! Katsuragi Kōhei from Class A.

   "Don't make me repeat myself." This time Katsuragi said it in a more forceful tone.

   "Come on, listen to your precious master. If you're not obedient you'll be abandoned~." I whispered, making the boy in front of me the only one who heard my statement.


   Although he was visibly angry, he reluctantly let me go. The crowd's reactions were divided into two categories; the ones who were relieved that nothing happened, and the ones who wanted things to escalate into a fight.

   "Good boy, want me to praise you?" Those were my final words to him.

   As he clicked his tongue in frustration, Katsuragi closed the distance between us.

   "I'm sorry for my classmates' actions." He said in an apologetic way.

   "It's funny. The supposedly 'superior' Class A student behavior was no different from a Class D defective. Ironic, isn't it?" 

   "What class are you in?" Katsuragi asked a rather peculiar question.

   "You seemed awfully composed back then." He added, noticing my subtle confusion.

   As expected, he's pretty observant picking up such a small detail. Interesting, I would like to see the extent of his abilities.

   "What are you talking about? Us students of Class D are used to being treated like this." I nonchalantly answered.

   He just stared at me, not speaking a word.

  "Those who can't control a few of their followers, don't deserve the right to lead them. Keep that in mind, Katsuragi." Those were my last words to him, turning my attention towards the vast ocean, something piqued my interest.

   Instead of going directly to the island, we passed the pier and started circling around. The island, on loan from the government, had a surface area of about 0.5 square kilometers. The highest point of the island reached 230 meters. Eventually, the boat made a complete pass around the island. The ship continued to circle without changing speed, barely making a splash as it moved unnaturally fast through the water.

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