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Salazar, go away already, will you?

I ignored him, scribbling over the name 'Marabella Evergreene' in my notebook. I could feel his eyes watching me do it, interested to see the name of his girlfriend and yet confused by the meaning of it all. I let him remain utterly befuddled by it. I enjoyed the small portion of power it gave me over him.

Wow, I thought to myself pitifully, I really live off of breadcrumbs, don't I?

Abraxas gulped, playing with his pale hands nervously. Noticeably, my eye caught the family ring sitting on his finger. It was quite exquisite: made of gorgeous back tungsten metal, studded with incredibly flawless black diamonds, and, to top it all off, the Malfoy family crest sitting on the face of it. It was one of Father's favourites. He had to fight his brother, my Uncle Abraxas Malfoy I, incredibly hard for it.

When did Father give him that ring, exactly? I thought spitefully.

It was the only thing that I was entitled to. After their dispute, Father thought it would be hilarious to give it to me and not Abraxas. A show of spite. He made sure that no man with the name Abraxas Malfoy would ever get hold of it. I was quite excited about it really. Though I guess it made sense that Father didn't give it to me since, apparently, Abraxas has been striving to be nothing but the perfect son-- so much so that Father put aside his feud with Uncle Abraxas I.

I tore my eyes from the ring, biting the inside of my cheek as I tried to quell some of my burning jealousy and incredible disappointment.

"Will you be coming to the meeting today then?" Abraxas questioned cautiously. He walked around eggshells around me these days.

"Depends." I shut my notebook, desolate black ink oozing between the pages. "Will you force me to like last time?" He didn't respond; fidgeting with the ring. It made my blood boil. "Is that a yes?"

"No." He shook his head, his platinum blonde locks swishing around his head. "No, you don't have to...  Of course not. I mean, if you have plans and all."

"So if I didn't have plans you would then?"

Abraxas nervously fumbled for words.

"Bloody brilliant."

"Will you stop it? Alexa, I just don't think..." He trailed off, blue eyes darting around as he lowered his husky voice to a whisper. "Forgive me, but I just don't think it's safe for you to be alone right now."

"What?" I chuckled to myself. "Afraid I'll throw myself off the tower again, brother?"


The other students in the library hushed us, sending hateful glares at Abraxas for interrupting their studying.

"I do have plans," I said before he could continue his thought, trying to avoid the lecture waiting on his tongue. "So, you know, you can get off suicide watch for tonight." I looked over at the devil. "Both of you."

Tom flipped a page of his black book; the cover of which was 'A Catalogue of Great Wizards'.

I snickered. Perhaps he was envisioning himself in its pages.

"Tell me, darling." Tom peered at me from behind his book. "Who do you have plans with?"

"Does it matter?" I responded, irritation bubbling inside every bone in my body.



"Because you might be lying."

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