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Lastly we have Jake,I'm not quite sure what relationship we are but let me tell you he has a lot of admirers and I'm pretty sure I know Over 6 girls whom I am friends with who liked him and or still having a crush on him. Jake is a different story, since day one I had always noticed him, he was in the same class as most of my friend group at that time, this I would spend a lot of time in his classroom.
How'd we meet? Met him through a friend her name is Felicia, Felicia fell for him and so Felicia would ask Gracie and I to stay after school so that she and him could spend time together as jake had this habit of staying after hours of school to play basketball, she like him that much, she even got a basketball in her locker just so Jake would borrow the basketball,since he never brought his own to school since it was too much of a hassle. I must admit it was kinda awkward when we had to split to a 2 v 2, this is because most of the time it'll end up Jake and I in one team and Felicia and Gracie, another thing I should add out of the girls Gracie,Felicia and I, I was the better one compared to them. So then Felicia got jealous over the fact that Jake would pick me instead of her and then she started to hate me for no reason, through another mutual friend I was told that Felicia would talk shit about me behind my back chatting so many fake defaming rumors. I felt betrayed after I spent most of afternoon to company her to get closer to this boy and so I just left them.
Jake and I remain as friends and on the day of my birthday he had gifted me a doll he had especially bought weeks before my birthday, how'd I know this? On that day of when he went to buy the present we were walking out of class together and he had said to me "I'm gonna go buy your present now after this"ironically he didn't stay after school that day as per usual he would be playing basketball along with his other friends.he was also the first person to say "happy birthday" to me on that day I vividly remember I hadn't even realize it was my birthday until midnight strikes he sent the text as soon it turn midnight.witch how can I not remember it I was surprised he knew my birthday, I didn't know his (as per writing his birthday is really soon and I know his birthday now, it's been 3 years and I finally remember his birthday 😂😂😂.Also I kept the doll till now I still have the doll as one of my doll that I have on my bed as decoration 😂)
Same as xu Zheng I would notice him if he were in the hallways or passing by. A habit he and I do is ruffling each other's hair and he started it when it was only the both of us heading up the stair case alone after school and everyone had gone home we coincidentally met and he ruffled my hair and I did the same to him, ironically he would get "mad" because he would style his hair with gel and when I mess it up he had to tidy it up again but I guarantee he doesn't mind because we would just laugh it off. It's funny because he would let anyone touch his hair since it's so precious to him.
I must admit I kept denying this 'crush' to him. It just felt wrong that Felicia had a thing for him and I wouldn't want us to "fight" over him, not like I have the guts to.
It was on Valentine's Day when he went to my classroom to specifically give a chocolate bar to me. Honestly it didn't mean that much since in my school even if you were just friends friend circles would trade chocolate treats as if it were Halloween jut chocolate edition. Not only that but he played the guitar that day and asked me what song did i wanna hear. This didn't mean much but my heart was racing since one of the core ideal types for me is people who could play the guitar.(the song was "officially missing you- Tamia")
One day I was calling with one of his friends and his friend had revealed that Jake went to his old school to confess to his crush and sadly got turnt down. It was the day before Valentine's Day.it was the same valentines that I had previously mentioned.I must admit I felt bad for him since he liked her,but I also felt jealous after learning that. It was never the same and every time I fall for him even more I would remind myself that he had confessed to someone.I would think how could I compete to someone who is not only beautiful but also quite tiktok famous(?) and she looks so friendly, for months then I just kept thinking about it and can't get it outta my head.
After a couple months we started to play a game together it was an FPS game and he would call me to play every single day for over 3 months straight, we would spend hours upon hours together playing while chatting and laughing. He was someone I look forward to when the day was boring. He would always play with me and would teach me along the way since I had never played the game and he had played it since it's beta version was released. He ranked way higher than me. We started together at bronze rank and now he is immortal rank (it's valorant btw). Though his rank is much higher, he would still call me to play with me in my rank for this purpose he had created a second account just so we could play together, which I find cute and sweet of him.

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