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Year 7 was where it all started, all the new friends, more pressure from parents to do good, also the start of my "first crush". Again same as middle school after further thinking he isn't my first crush either, his name is Ryan, he was a swell guy, we became friends after my best friend Alice started dating Ryan's best friend,Shawn. Alice and Shawn were total opposites, Alice was the straight A student and Shawn was the bad boy who sleeps in class and fails a lot of classes and pisses off teachers.
one day on a September they wanted to go on a date yet Alice's parents didn't allow her to date, so as a cover up we hangout as four Alice,Shawn,Ryan and I. We went to watch a film in the cinemas and me and Ryan would tail them from the back of course giving "the couple" somewhat of a distance so they could have their privacy. After the film we walked around and went to the arcade and Ryan spent a lot of coins on the claw machine so that I could have a doll to take home.
Ryan and I had something that only the both of us know, which is each other's phone passwords, my password actually lot of people know already, but he told me his password which ironically even his guy best friends of so many years never knew and I felt kinda special that the both of us trust each other so much that we allow each other to open chats on social media and do anything we wanted with each other's phones.I would take his phone and play games on it and he wouldn't mind he'd do the same. We'd even "switch" our phones with each other for half a day which I found funny because we'd be replying to text messages pretending to be each other
I had a sorta crush on Ryan, but then I realized I just love him as a best friend, so I never tried anything nor even care since our friendship was more important, now Ryan turnt to such a different person the older her gets the douche in him rises and he doesn't even realize it I really do miss the old Ryan I "fell" for

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