Xu Zheng

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After year 7 me and Ryan were in the same class together over year 7 he and I became really close. On the first day of year 8 we had a new exchange student from China his name was Xu Zheng and he was 2 years older than me and much more of an introvert along with Ryan and my other friend,Gracie, we helped him learn English since he was a student from China who had never learnt the English lesson nor knows how to speak the language through this language barrier we used our hands so that we can show him the meaning little by little and eventually he'll understand.
I've Berber realized how much I pay attention to xu Zheng, I've just realized this 3 years too late when we both left that school and moved on to different schools. What was my relationship like with xu Zheng? We're not necessarily besties or anything, honestly I'm not really sure what we are.
Something he like todo is to punch my shoulder playfully as in a "hello" or would drag my hand for no reason, he also liked to check the time on my watch though he always wore his designer watch and it's in his wrist. We would pass each other only during recess and lunch since we were no longer in the same grade and I would notice my self looking for him if he had come to the cafeteria to have break or not.
Xu Zheng was definitely a cute guy, he was tall and had great fashion taste and would dress with so much style compared to the other guys.I would always borrow his economics book since I had lost mine, he would just allow me to just take it from his locker and he would also sometimes borrow books from me. This happened for 2 years then we parted ways.Something that made me really notice him is that once I bought a new phone and no one had the same kind, the next week he came to school with the same exact same phone, series,storage space, color and everything we even had the same phone case which is such a funny coincidence, not only that, but our AirPods case were also the same color, which I find quite ridiculous with all the coincidences.
He had also on valentines on the last year we meet given me a hand fan when we were in the auditorium with the broken ax so it was scorching hot. Picture over 100 students in an basketball court sized room with no ac, not only that, but on that day we had traded watches he had mine and I had his.
Sadly one of his friend told me that he had a crush on a girl and she and I are totally different she is such a calm collected and goody two shoes meanwhile I have a resting bitch face and a goofy personality.I was kinda speechless that his friend told me about her, but from Xu Zheng's POV I can see why he would like her.

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