They first went to gringotts bank to get some money for there little shopping trip.

They then went to ollivanders wand shop, rose waited outside so she doesn't disturb whatever is happening in there, Lyra took a deep breath and walked in.

"Good morning," Mr. Ollivander says, peering down at Lyra . "We have important work to do. Are you ready to select the type of wand that will best suit you?"

"I am ready" she replied

"Good," he says, smiling. "First, a few questions. When it comes to making friends, what do you look for in a person?"
She thinks for a while before replying with "kindness"

"Interesting, interesting. Now, which color are you most often drawn to?" She got confused but answered anyways "blue? I guess it's a cool color"

"Very good. And which magical profession most appeals to you?" He asked "healer, healers are pretty awesome"

"Now something a bit harder. You find a sack of Galleons lying in the middle of Diagon Alley. What do you do?" "I guess we take it to the proper authority's"

"Right, noted. Which of the following magical creatures do you most identify with?" She didn't know a lot of them so she answered with the first one that came mind "Centaur,there highly intelligent and complex"

"Very well. Which subject of study most interests you?" " history of magic"

"Now, it may seem silly, but our tastes can define us! Of the following snacks, which sounds most delicious?"he asked pointing to a list of snacks"Chocolate frogs they sound good"

"Delightful. And where do you feel most comfortable?" " at the library surrounded by books"

"Lovely. This one's a bit more difficult to answer. How do you handle conflict?" Hm? This one was hard indeed "I guess I would think about every angle of the situation before acting,helps understand the situation better"

"And, finally, to which Hogwarts house do you belong?" 'Wait, how the heck do I answer that' she thought "I- I don't know" she stated

"Curious, curious," Mr. Ollivander says as sparks fly from the end of the cherry wood wand he just handed her. "One of the rarest woods," he says. "Some might overlook a cherry wood wand because of the delicate blossoms the tree produces — just as many often overlook you, my friend." He looks at her for a long moment. "You might know a young man, Neville Longbottom, who possesses the same make of wand — you two are similar. You have great magical power within you. This wand will help you find it, but you must always keep in mind that this wood is rare because it's of great power, and must be used responsibly.
(So I may or may not have got this part from a buzzfeed quiz, but there's no evidence of me doing so.... mhahahhaahh😈)

She nodded, "thank you" she said before leaving. As soon she was out she saw aunty rose standing there drinking water "finally, done sweetheart?" She asked, Lyra didn't answer she just showed her the wand, aunty smiled before pulling the rest of the list to see what else they need to get.

They headed for 'Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions' to get lyras hogwarts ropes or uniform, whatever it was they went there to get it.

Rose once again decided to stay outside and wait for Lyra there, and so once again Lyra walked in alone.

" hello, what may I help you with?" The lady asked Lyra handed her the paper without saying a thing "ah, come this way dear" she gestured her to a a stool in front of a mirror, she heard someone else walk in the store and the lady went to greet that person, for at least 1 minute Lyra stood there on the stool wandering when they will finish.

"Hogwarts, dear? Got the lot here -- a young women is being fitted up just now, in fact."
She heard the lady say, another lady this one was wearing green walked up to her with a sewing tape and started on her.

"This way dear" she heard the lady from before say to the new costumer. Soon a boy with black messy hair is standing on the stool next to her getting fitted himself "hello, hogwarts too" she says, he nodded. And then complete silence.

After both were done they headed to the door "what's your name?" He looked at her before saying "Harry, Harry Potter and yours?" She was shocked she had read about him in a book once or twice and now she's meeting him in person. Eeek.

"Hello?" Asked Harry as he looked at the girl beside him with concern, did he say something wrong? " oh right sorry, my names Lyra, lyra Malfoy, pleasure". Malfoy wait wasn't it one the family names hagrid said not to talk to.
They were know outside where hagrid was holding two giant ice creams, beside him was a tall woman with blond hair that sorta looked like Lyra she was also holding two ice creams but they were smaller " oh you are finally done my sweetheart" said the woman coming closer to Lyra.

"Mhm" she replied "well while you were fitting fitted I got you your books and I met hagrid, he brought us ice cream!" The woman explained.

They both said a thank you before walking away. "They were nice!" exclaimed Hagrid "yes,but didn't you say we shouldn't take to the Malfoy's or something like that" asked Harry "a Malfoy!?" said Hagrid.

"Yes the girl said her name was Lyra Malfoy" stated Harry "Lyra? The missing child" whispered Hagrid "the missing child?!" Exclaimed Harry, he was confused "yes, when she was four she disappeared a few years later and the case closed, that's her aunt " "oh" was Harry's only reply


After rose and Lyra finished the rest of the shopping they went to a magical pet shop called 'The Magical Menagerie' inside was all kinds of pets, Lyra caught sight of a beautiful white cat with a black dot on its nose and on top of its head "can we get that one please" she asked her aunt "why of course dear" she replied.


Back at home  Michael was on the couch watching sports with uncle jack, though for some reason Michael looked nervous "oh mom your home, can we talk in private please?" He asked "sure?" She replied giving the bags to jack who had just stood up to help.

Jack and Lyra went upstairs to put all the stuff down and then just talk until the others are done.

"What is it dear" rose asked with concern in her eyes, Michael looked like he was about to cry "well I- uh please don't hate me" "dear I would never hate you" "well then I- I have a boyfriend" he said and then silence......

Rose was shocked not because her son had a boyfriend no that's totally fine but by the fact that he thought she would hate him, "and you didn't tell me!" She asked smiling widely, he smiled "you don't think I am freak?" "No,who told you I would!?" "The kids at school" her eyes went wide but then back to normal " alright we will talk about that later but know when can I meet him" "soon" he replied.

If I write a book about Michael and his boyfriends love story, would y'all be mad?

Anyways bye

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