SOMETHING MORE (Mr. Darcy x reader)

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Through every round of introductions, dance proposals, even genuine proposals, his company was forever beside you. Darcy and you had grown up together, having bumped into him on the way into town when you were younger. Four rosy cheeks and countless stuttered apologies later you had agreed to stroll into town together and from then on you met up almost every afternoon and by the end of the month one could not be seen without the other. Your families adored you both, and even passers-by couldn't ignore the cheerfulness you radiated when you were together. It was always Darcy and Y/L/N. Or at least it was until now.

You had seen it coming. From the moment he laid eyes on her you could tell she was going to be important, the way he enquired over her every move, every interest and opinion, and the way he let his pride subside so eagerly. The pride that not even you could compete with sometimes. Soon enough, the rooms you resided in were overflowing with conversation of one Elizabeth Bennet. His admiration for her was overly evident, or perhaps that was just to you. And maybe that was all to do with the raging jealousy brewing under the surface. For the words flowing from his mouth were becoming increasingly similar to the ones you wrote at night while his face encompassed your every thought. Your diary quickly filled up with nonsense about the way his face twitches when someone he doesn't know puts their hand on his shoulder or the way he tenses up when Caroline flirts with him. The pages being overrun with your feelings for none other than Fitzwilliam Darcy. The feelings, however, were becoming more and more unrequited as time flew by.

So, as you stood watching him marry the woman he loves and her marry the man you love, you can't help but feel your heart shatter. And although the smile on your face masked it all; the pain, the hurt, the anguish, as you watch them grasp each other's hands as a wedded couple you can't help but clench your own, wishing that things could have been different, that you could have been something more than just Mr. Darcy's best friend. 

Multifandom Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें