LITTLE MISS THOMPSON (Bridgerton family x reader)

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A/N- My imagines do not follow the timeline of the show, but merely just use the charcters involved. Also please do excuse any spelling errors, I have proof read but there is a chance I have missed a few.

It was a chilly morning, but nothing a blanket could not fix which is why you found yourself not at home and instead on the swings with your lifelong friend Eloise sharing a cigarette with a woolen blanket draped across both your shoulders. Gently swinging your legs back and forth, your minds elsewhere. Not much conversation was created but that did not matter, the company did.

Although the peaceful bliss you both found yourselves in was soon interrupted by Penelope. More worryingly Penelope and her tears. You were both quick to your feet and tending to your dear friend to ensure the others who were having a quiet morning were not disturbed nor awakened.

"What is the matter? What has made you so upset?"
You questioned her as Eloise held her in a warm embrace.

"Both Marina and I went for a walk earlier this morning, as we were both planning on visiting here afterwards, and the topic of Mr Bridgerton came up. I tried to redirect our chat but she was set on him. I don't know how it happened but it did, one moment we were fine and the next-"
she chokes.

Your heart dropped hearing how much hurt she had in her voice. The hurt in her voice, however, made you all the more angry at whoever brought it upon her.

"Penelope, must tell us what happened if we are to help."

"Miss Thompson. Marina. She found out about my love for Colin. She told me that my efforts to separate them were in vain, because even if they do not end up together he will never choose me as he regards me in the same light as Eloise. Nothing more than a sister at best. But he regards her as a woman, as a wife, and I am nothing remotely close."

The anger you felt before was multiplied tenfold. How dare she!

"That is unacceptable! Where is she now Pen?" you ask, voice trembling.

"Her and Colin were planning on going a walk together and maybe a picnic I believe. They may still be at the Bridgerton house, though I do not know"

The Bridgerton House. That's all it took for you to grab the hem of your dress and take off towards their home. The peace of others no longer a concern. 
You were unaware of the mud coating your shoes, or maybe you did not care. For only Marina was on your mind.

You knocked feverishly on their door, and all but patiently waited for you to be welcomed in. You stepped foot within their entry, and headed straight towards the drawing room where the Bridgertons and Miss Thompson were thankfully gathered. Your run was not a waste.

"I apologise for my unannounced visit Lady Bridgerton, however I must speak with Miss Thompson immediately if she may be excused."

Marina looked at you warily, seemingly knowing you had been told of her scene with Penny. She looked towards Colin and back to you.

Colin stood, "I am sure anything you must say to Miss Thompson can be said amongst us, after all we have known you since you were merely a child."

"That is exactly why I would like to speak to her alone, for I would not like for certain information to pass from my lips before it got the chance to come from her."

Marina shifted uncomfortably in her seat and looked shocked at my words. She stood and nodded towards the family, as we both made our way back out towards the entry. I kindly told the staff there at that moment that some privacy was needed. They were understanding and found themselves work elsewhere for the time being.

"I do not know what information you have been told Miss Y/L/N but I can assure you Mr Bridgerton has been informed."

"Really?" you scoffed. "That I do not believe. For if it were true you would not have been so quick to leave the drawing room. You would not be so quick to marry. Now I understand it may be necessary, but when it comes to the people I consider family and the people I hold dear, I cannot stand by and watch you ruin their lives, their reputation."

"I would do no such thing!! You have no right to assume my dealing of circumstances is the reason I am marrying Colin. My life is none of your concern."

"But it is." you stepped closer towards her. Unaware of the crowd that had started to form from the drawing room, a crying Penelope and worried Eloise stood amongst her family as they looked upon the situation.
"The moment you told Pen that she was nothing to him, that she would never be anything to him, you became my concern. The moment I found out you were trying to trick Colin into a marriage to secure yourself a loving husband and your unborn child, a child that is not even his, a devoted father you became my concern."

Her eyes widened as she looked towards Colin. Gasps from the Bridgertons could be heard but you were too caught up to care.

"Y/N please. Do not do this."

"Do not do what? I told you the moment I found out that you were to tell him, or I would. I have given you many an opportunity to do so but yet you have not, so it falls to me to ensure the livelihood of one of my dearest companions is not butchered by your deciet."
You grab her hands and hold them close to you.
"Now, I need you to listen to me very carefully. You do not get to take advantage of Penelope's kindness and be cruel when she decides she no longer wants to be a part of your scheme. You do not get to worm your way into our lives and think yourself better than us because you are simply pretty. Pretty does not always get you places Marina. You must be sure to remember that."

You stood up straight and dusted your hands on the front of your dress, letting out a breath of air. You turned towards the drawing room and found everyone's eyes on you, some with shock and some with pride. Colin however could not look away from Miss Thompson and it would be foolish to not notice the tears that coated his waterline. Though, he blinked them away as she made her way towards him.

"Colin please, you must understand I was going to tell you I just didn't know how. You must forgive me, please."

The room had turned silent. You made your way towards the Bridgertons with your head held down, you were not ashamed by your words in any way but more of the way you felt because of them. Relieved. Colin knew and Penelope didn't have to hold the stress of knowing on her shoulders any longer. 

You stood a little bit away from them. Not wanting to immediately fit yourself back into their gathering after the mess that had been made. However, Violet reached out for your hand and pulled you gently towards her. She looked at you, and gently squeezed your hand. Anthony moved towards your other side and whispered a "Thank you." into your ear, quiet for only you to hear.

Colin on the otherhand had yet to glance your way. Too busy listening to Marina's pleads and excuses, none of which were settling with him.

"I am sorry, Miss Thompson but what you have done is unforgivable, I must ask you to leave immediately. Our engagement is no longer, please do give Mrs. Featherington my dearest apologies."

Everyone besides Colin and Marina had made their way into the drawing room once again. An awkward silence settling amongst them. You took this opportunity to speak up.

"I am deeply sorry for the trouble I have caused Lady Bridgerton. I should have done it in a more respectful manner, instead I embarrassed most of the people here. I truly wish that your opinion of me nor your treatment of me has been too greatly impacted."

"Nonsense, Y/N. I am thankful you told us. Yes, there were many better ways to do so however, who knows how long it would have been before she told us herself. Do not worry yourself, my dear."

The doors opened and in walked Colin, alone. Seperate conversations between the others sprouted as he placed himself in the space beside you. You did not glance his way nor him to you, however with a nudge of his shoulder and a chuckle from him you knew that everything would be fine in the end.

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