BLESSING (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)

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It was three weeks until your due date. Everything was set and ready to go. The nursery was decorated, the new crib was in your and Anthony's room for the time being.


He had hardly taken a moment to breathe. He was so busy sorting the finance side of this pregnancy and making sure you had everything you needed for the little one's arrival. Either that or he was smothering you with his complete love and affection. It was a lot, but you couldn't fault him for it after all he has had to listen to you complain about the back aches, the feet aches, the constant exhaustion and all the other lovely parts of pregnancy for the past 8 months.

Speaking of aches, you had been woken up by a sharp pain in your stomach this morning. It had come and gone fairly sharpish so you weren't worried. The doctor had already explained that 'practice' contractions might occur, so that's all you thought it was. You had been having them once or twice every hour or so, there really wasn't anything to worry about.

You were currently on your way to the kitchen, as fast as your body would let you go, which wasn't fast at all. You had woken up with the biggest appetite but your breakfast hadn't quite filled you up so you were going to make some toast and jam, the perfect mix of sweet and savoury. You were salivating at the thought of it. Unfortunately, your stealth was non-existent and when Anthony had heard the shuffling of your feet along the corridor, he was quick out of his office to meet you.

"Y/N what are you doing!? It won't be long before the little rascal is here, you should be resting. I'll get someone to bring whatever it is you want to the bedroom, come on."

He began ushering you back towards the stairs you had successfully gotten down a little earlier.

"Anthony, sweetie, I hardly think the baby is going to pop out of me in the time it takes to get from our bedroom to the kitchen. Calm down, my love." You held his hand and moved his arm so you could take it for a bit of support. You both continued towards the kitchen, the smell of tonight's dinner filling the air as you got closer. Anthony was mumbling incoherently.

"Dear, whatever are you mumbling about?" you chuckled.

He looked at you the same way he looks at you when you stand up too quickly or when you exit the carriage on your own. Eyes filled with anxiety.

"You should be resting love, I don't want you to tire yourself. It's not good for you nor the little one," he places a gentle hand on your belly. The baby was clearly glad to feel him as a kick was felt moments after. You let out a laugh,

"I think the baby is quite alright, don't you?"

"It appears so... "

He had given up his mission to get you back to bed, but he wasn't leaving your side until you were at least seated somewhere. You entered the kitchen and asked one of the cooks if you could have toast and raspberry jam. Whilst they were making it for you, you found a seat at the island where some of the veg for tonight was being washed and prepared. You ogled at all the colours. You could feel Anthony by your side, so you leant into him.

As you were waiting another 'contraction' disrupted the peace you felt. You rubbed the underneath of your stomach to try and ease the discomfort. Although soon after another was felt, this one being more painful than the last. From here it was sudden. The wet feeling that made its way down your legs, the immense pain that it seemed to trigger, and the looks exchanged between everyone in the room. The dinner was long forgotten as all the focus was now on you. You were rushed into the nearest bedroom, your bedroom being too far away to even consider it an option. The maids worked quickly to remove your dress until you were left in your shift. You lay down on the bed, squeezing Anthony's hand as another contraction occurred. Everything was a blur really. You can't really remember when the doctor had come in. Maybe it was whilst you were screaming, or maybe it was when Anthony was crying. He did tell you to never mention that to anybody though. It was a long 6 hours, a fairly short labour in comparison to the other women in the ton but long enough for you. It was agony and by far the most tiring thing you have ever experienced. How can people say this is a blessing?

Everyone was urging you to push, so you did. You pushed. Again, and again, and again until the room fell quiet. The sound of a baby's cries filled the silence and you met Anthony in the softest kiss you could muster. His eyes met yours and you could see just how happy he was. You spotted the doctor move from the corner of your eye and turned back to him. Your baby was now in the nurse's arms, she made her way towards you both at the head of the bed and gave you her congratulations.

"Congratulations, my lord. It is a girl."

Anthony beamed at her words and took his new-born daughter in his arms. You sat up as best you could without disrupting the care you were being given, trying to catch a glimpse of your little girl. He moved closer to you, positioning the bundle higher as to make sure you could see her. Her eyes were closed and her lips were pursed. You reached out to caress her cheeks.

"Hello my sweet girl," you gushed.

Anthony peered down at you, admiring how even after hours of labour you still managed to appear ethereal to him. He placed a kiss on your head and turned his attention back to the baby in his arms.

"We should get her cleaned up, no?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, yes of course."

Anthony handed her off to the nurse again and watched her leave.

"You can go with her my lord, I'm sure your wife would like to rest after all the excitement."

"No, I can't leave her, I shall stay here."

"Anthony go look after her, I will be here when you come back. I am rather tired anyway," you admit.

Anthony kisses you urgently and makes his way to the room his daughter was taken to previously. Your eyelids grew heavy and within a few minutes you were asleep.


Your eyes fluttered open a few hours later. A tiny giggle could be heard from across the room. You look over and witness what could quite literally be the best moment of your life...Your husband stands over your child's dressing table trying his best to wrap her in a swaddle.

"We're going to tuck this arm in here aren't we my little angel..." he speaks as he wraps her arms amongst the soft material.

"Aren't you just the prettiest little bundle of joy," she lets out a squeal as Anthony pecks her rosy cheeks over and over again.

He notices you're awake and makes his way over to you. He sits beside you, leaning his back against the headboard and hands your daughter to you for the first time.

You glance at her and take in her features. Her large eyes stare up at you and a gummy smile appears on her face.

"Well hello there..."

"You have done so well sweetheart," Anthony tells you.

"I could never have done it without you."

You look back at your daughter,

"She looks like you, you know. I'd recognise those big brown eyes anywhere."

He smiles at your revelation.

"What shall we call her?" you ask quietly noticing her eyes closing.

"I'm not sure, what do you think?"

"How about Edele? We can call her Ed for short, after your father?"

At your suggestion, Anthony can't seem to hold back his tears. He buries his head into the crook of your neck and pulls you both into a warm hug.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Only every day Anthony," you laugh.

"Miss Edele Bridgerton..." he tests.

"The perfect name for the most perfect little girl."

As you found yourself in his arms, looking down at the life you created together; you realised that people were right. All the pain, all the mood swings, all the hurt was worth it. She truly was a little blessing and you couldn't have asked for a better husband to share her with. 

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