Francis x male reader labour

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Francis POV
Recently I've started to get these pains in the bottom of my stomach I know they're contractions I just don't want to get people worried the contractions are really far apart but they last for about 5-7 minutes which isn't great when that happened I just dug my hand into my thigh my mum started to notice "Francis you ok" my fiancé Y/N looked at me I nodded but yelped because another pain started he rushed to my side "baby Francis are these contractions" I nodded "ok Hal help me get him on the couch"

Liam POV
I looked up at Hal to see him panicking "ok fine Reese help me get him onto the couch" he nodded and got on the other side of Francis "baby on 3 you need to stand ok me and Reese are going to support you ok" he nodded "1...2...3 go" he stood up with our support Lois was rubbing his back he was whimpering in pain I kissed his forehead Lois looked at me "we need to get him to the hospital" "I know Reese change of plan you need to help me get him to my car ok" Reese nodded I smiled softly at Reese I really appreciate him helping we got Francis in my car he got in the back so did Lois I got in the front same with Reese but Reese looked really worried "Reese trust me Francis is going to be ok and soon you're going to be an uncle ok" "I know" we soon pulled into A&E Reese helped me get Francis out again Lois went ahead to get a doctor they got a wheelchair so Francis could sit down a doctor came over to me "since he's a male and can't have babies normally we have to do a c-section ok" "ok" a few hours later I was able to see him and the baby

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