She could make out the tears beginning to swell up in her mother and Mrs Weasley's eyes, though they held them back, the Ravenclaw could tell they were trying to be strong for her, not wanting to break down in case that'll affect her.

Suddenly, she felt a hand motion to intertwine hers, recognizing the touch she glanced over to the bushy-haired girl who had a frowned expression, though as they locked eyes the Ravenclaw caught her face softening up into a more comforting one.

A lazy smile curled up the corner of her lips as she felt a comforting squeeze being sent from her girlfriend, she hadn't smiled the entire night, it felt good in the moment, it felt like she was finally at peace.

Just then, Madam Pomfrey returned from her office, holding a goblet and a small bottle of some purple potion, "You need to drink this, Y/N." she told as she poured the substance in the small bottle into the goblet, "It's a potion for dreamless sleep."

The Ravenclaw nodded as she reached out her empty hand and took the goblet, chugging the potion down her throat and instantly, she felt her entire body becoming drowsy at once.

Everything around her turning hazy, the lamps around the hospital wing looked as if they were winking at her, she felt her body sink deeper and deeper down onto the soft bed, her arm leaning closer and closer for the warmth touch of her girlfriend.

After she finished the last of her potion, she didn't have time to say a single word, she felt her eyelids growing heavier and heavier each second until finally, all she could see was darkness.


Y/N slowly regain her conscious, feeling very warm, still very drowsy, keeping her eyes shut wanting to go back to sleep. She could tell the room was still dim, meaning it had to still be night time, but why would she had woken up at night?

Then, she heard whispers emerge around her, "They'll wake her if they don't shut up." she heard a voice whisper out angrily, "What are they shouting about? Nothing else can have happened can it?" Another voice responded.

The Ravenclaw opened her eyes slightly, not wanting to fully wake up, she could make out the outlines of her mom, Mr and Mrs Weasley still sat at her side, "That's Fudge." Mrs Weasley whispered out, "And that's Minerva McGonagall's isn't it? But what are they arguing about?"

It was then, Y/N could hear the argument outside the hospital wing, two people shouting and running towards the hospital wing. "Regrettable, but all the same, Minerva." Fudge scoffed loudly.

"You should never have brought it inside the castle!" McGonagall yelled back, "When Dumbledore finds out-"

Just then, the Ravenclaw heard the doors of the hospital wing burst open, Mr Weasley pushed the screens, revealing indeed, McGonagall ,Fudge and Snape in the Hospital wing, both of them look led heated at each other.

As everybody's attention was now towards the three adults that had barged in, the Ravenclaw slowly sat herself up, though it seemed she hadn't realise her hand was still intertwined with her girlfriends as her head immediately wheeled towards her at the feeling of movement.

Hermione's eyes went slightly wide as she noticed the Ravenclaw was now awake, her mouth parted, about to say something before Y/N quickly stopped her, raising her index finger onto her own lips, signaling the bushy-haired girl to keep quiet.

Hermione reluctantly nodded before they both turned back to the front, "Where's Dumbledore?" Fudge demanded at Mrs Weasley as a scowl formed on her face, "He's not here." she grumbled angrily, "This is a hospital wing, Minister, don't you think you'd do better to-"

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