Alice inhaled and nodded.

"Stay here, okay? We'll go find her." Alice said tucking strands of loose hair behind the panicking girls ears.

"But, but i want to find her- i can help you guys! I-"

"No Dade. I don't want you to get hurt. Stay here, i'll be back. Edward and the rest of them will be here soon."

Alice kissed the girls forehead, a few older people stared at the girls in disgust.

"Stay here, in the lobby. Theres a small cafe you can wait at. Me and Jasper are going to call Carlisle."

Dade bit her lip and nodded.

Alice forced a small smile.

"I love you, we'll be back." Alice said quickly kissing the girls lips.

Dade nodded and watched them enter the elavator.

The doors shut, and Dade ran.

She pushed through people, and ran through the doors.
She waved her hand at a taxi driver.
He pulled over and she got inside not bothering to buckle in.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"Uh um do you know a ballet studio near here?" Dade asked.

The driver nodded. "Yes. Its abandoned though."

"Thats fine. Can you go there?"

The man shrugged. "Sure."

Dade sighed and leaned against the window, guilt sat in the bottom of her stomach.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Alice run out the door in human speed and stare directly at the cab.

Dade closed her eyes and waited while they drove.

It was a quick ride. fifteen minutes or so, and they were parked outside the ballet studio.

Dade stared at it, dread filled her up.

She hoped Bella was still alive and not getting eaten by a rabid vampire, but in the back of her mind she knew her sister was probably dead.

Dade pulled out some money and handed it to the man, she opened her door and walked towards the ballet studio.

Her mind screamed at her to move faster but her body refused.

The doors were opened by almost three inches, Dade hestaited but pushed it open a bit more.

"Bella?" Dade quietly called out. She cleared her throat and called out louder.

A moan and loud gasps made Dade jump.

She turned around, searching the place for her sister.
A almost lifeless body laid on the ground, a small puddle of blood surronding her.

Dade gasped and ran towards the lifeless body, she dropped to her knees and felt something- glass- dig into her legs.


tears blurred her vision, Bellas eyes were rolled to the back of her head.

Dade lifted her sisters head and placed it in her lap. Her hands touched Bellas face.

"Bella, Bella. Please wake up" Dade begged, her forehead placed against Bellas.

She lifted her head and lookedbat Bellas body to see her injuries.

Her leg was slightly bent, and her hand had a bite in it.

Dade shook Bella. "Please Bella, Please wake up."

Dead Girl~☆Alice Cullen☆~Where stories live. Discover now