Chapter Seven

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Spring began to pepper her effervescent beauty throughout Christine's estate. She bestowed soft kisses across the trees and flowerbeds, sensually coaxing them back to life so colour and whimsical magic flourished once more. Christine stood in the croquet lawn with a cup of strong tea in hand, enjoying the sunshine while she watched Charlie frolic in the neatly mown grass. England weather had been kind to Christine since her return two days ago, and adjusting to quiet Wickhambreaux after bold Los Angeles wasn't proving to be too difficult.

"Charlie! Come here, baby!" Christine called out to her beloved Havanese dog.

Charlie bounded up to her and Christine knelt down to give him a cuddle, ticking his soft skin when he rolled over for a belly rub.

"Aunty Stevie would love to see you looking so cute," Christine said as Charlie rolled back upright, cocking his head to one side curiously. She took out her phone from her sweatshirt pocket and snapped an adorable photo of him hamming it up for the camera.

Morning greetings from Charlie boy! Missing you and the boys already – Chris x

She added a heart and smiley face for good measure before sending the photo to Stevie. Not bothering to wait around for a reply—Christine knew Stevie wasn't really glued to her phone—she headed back into the house to make breakfast with Charlie trailing happily after her.

Christine turned the radio on and poured out a bowl of dry dog food for Charlie before going about her morning routine. She blissfully pottered around the kitchen, taking out a loaf of bread and popping two slices in the toaster. The scrumptious smell of warm bread drifted through the air, and Christine tapped her foot in time with the Foreigner ballad belting through the speakers. She enjoyed the solitude, and planned to use it productively to focus on her goals. But she did miss her friends she'd reconnected with in the US, along with her dysfunctional musical tribe. Christine messaged John and Mick regularly on WhatsApp and called Stevie to let her know she had landed safe and sound. Lindsey, however, remained moody and uncommunicative. But given Christine's 38-year-long experience with him, his difficult behaviour wasn't surprising at all.

After pouring a second cup of tea, she settled down at the kitchen island with her buttered toast and newspaper. Her phone pinged twice and Christine quickly entered the passcode, opening an adorable photo of Stevie cuddled up to Sulamith in bed. Stevie's big endearing eyes peered up from underneath the blanket and her hair fanned across the pillow like a bohemian version of Sleeping Beauty. Christine couldn't help but chortle at the theatrics of it all, and her smile widened as she read Stevie's cheerful text:

Good morning sweet girl and Charlie boy! Sula and I are snuggling in bed and we wish both of you were here. Love you, Stevie xx


By late afternoon, Christine had finished the remainder of her holiday laundry and was ready to loll around on the couch for an hour or so. She hung up her Prada leather jacket, running her thumb down the rich fabric before heading downstairs to her favourite living room. The cosy space bore two comfortable armchairs, as well as a snuggly couch Christine settled herself on. Charlie cuddled up beside her, his cute little sighs filling the room as she propped her legs on the coffee table and lazily scrolled through her phone.

Christine had amassed quite the collection of photos during her time in California and Maui. There was John standing on the deck of his sailboat, hands in his pockets and looking perfectly at ease. Christine flanked by the gorgeous coastal redwoods; a vision of complete serenity and wholesomeness. Also included were an adorable selfie of Christine and Stevie at her condo, their faces shining with pure joy as they snuggled under a blanket on the balcony, and Stevie's head resting on Christine's shoulder. There were various photos taken at Santa Monica pier, such as the dazzling Ferris wheel that glowed a magnificent electric blue against the sorbet coloured sky. And Christine's personal favourite: A group shot of the band at Locanda Portofino; it was timeless and genuine and captured her friends well. Christine smiled as she took in Mick's larger than life presence, John's quiet charisma, and of course, Lindsey and Stevie's undeniably electric chemistry. The photo was classic Fleetwood Mac: they were a motley crew of strong and complicated individuals who Christine had eventually found her way back to.

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