Chapter 1

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***WARNING*** PLEASE READ and BE AWARE that some chapters contain vague representations that may be too vulgar and mature for anyone under 18. These mature themes include: suggestive breeding, dog fighting, blood and violence and suggestive or confrontational abuse/neglect of animals.***(more detail in next paragraph)

***also PBA that the dogs in this novel act like Dogs, so some are dominant, territorial or forceful. This is normal dog behavior when it comes to territory, mating rights, or guarding a resource among them. They are not overly agressive or overly sexual in the eyes of an animal, this is the normal behavior that I have researched weeks prior to writing this. I tried to realistically portray how male versus female dogs act. So if you think its odd how some of them behave, its because theyre animals not people. If realistic animal novels like The Sight or Ratha's Creature arent your thing, leave now. Ive had to adress this in the past.**



One of the yellow dog's earliest memories is of the cold. She felt strong hands lift her out of the knot of other pups, not all too aware of where she was. Waking up, feeling the cold air all around her like that, was not a comforting feeling.

Her litter-mates began to wake up, too, making noises from among the blanket folds they were tucked in and moving their little paws. The storage bucket they were in had been settled into the wide-open car trunk. The tan puppy was aware of it being moved out of the car a few moments earlier, while the light-headedness of sleep still had her in it's grasp. She began to realize her memories as she wriggled into wakefulness. The female pup could see clearer now, and began to squirm in the human's hands.

He was making noises to other humans. They we're gathered around the trunk of the car like giant furless trees. She had never seen so many humans, or been in a place like this- she could see so far. As if there were no walls at all beyond the hands of the human that she was being held in.

Though the young female had no way of knowing it, this was her first experience outside.

The tan puppy's belly rolled as a different human grabbed her by the scruff roughly, and passed the other a few squarish pieces of paper. The paper smelled like the hands of many different humans had touched it.

The woman walked away fast with the puppy, as well as a shopping bag hanging in the crook of her elbow.  The dog passed some shopping carts and other cars as she was being towed in the human's arm.

She loved the things she could smell, apart from the gravel underneath them; there was a dewy grass smell, the scent of wind and mud puddles, as well as bird droppings- and sweet, salty human food. All these wafted on the breeze as the puppy was tucked under an arm and stuck her neck out towards the world. Before this, all that she knew had been a human's hard-edged walls and corners. She'd always felt that she should have been able to go father than the plastic walls of the puppy's bin.

She thought it was very strange how high up she was, and had never been held this long before. Just as she began studying the grass, signs and buildings farther from the grey parking lot, she was plopped into a different car, on a seat that smelled of sweat initially and then, more tantalizing things.

Distracted, she began sniffing everywhere to locate the food smell, and found a crumb of a fry right by the seat belt clamp. The pup kept herself busy by nosing into empty food containers, wrappers on the floors, and among other things.

She then came across a cigarette butt. For the first time, she scented something she didn't like, and twitched her ears and jumped away from it in giddy dis-taste. Since she was bustling with energy, she let out a volley of high-pitched barks to try and locate her mother and litter-mates and make them aware.

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