Part Thirty Six

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Omkara was surprised that she walked into the kitchen behind him in utter silence. She usually argued or rolled her eyes when he praised himself. He looked at her, trying to understand if something was bothering her. She had her usual smile on her face, with an added tinge of pink at her cheekbones as she blushed for some reason. Whatever be it, she looked cute, he admitted. "We'll have fruit salad for dinner?" he asked, washing a couple of fruits after she nodded in agreement.


After their dinner, the two of them had decided to do the dishes before going to shower. Omkara had offered to wash the dishes, while Gauri had decided to wipe them dry. The comfortable silence between them had stretched. However, there was a lot more conveyed between them without words. As the two of them moved about in the kitchen, with him handing the wet dishes to her, and she walking past him to place them in the utility, there were numerous gentle, almost-accidental, and almost-unintentional touches and brushes. Almost.

Omkara's fingers would touch her hand when he would give her the dish to dry, his arm would brush against hers as they stood side by side, when she would walk by, her hip would gently brush past his bottom. On two occasions, his hand had grazed against her breasts too. The two of them were comfortably silent and wore looks as if they hadn't been bothered by those touches at all. On the inside, however, it was a different story. Both their hearts were thudding as if threatening to jump out of their ribcages. The sexual tension peaked to a point where it almost started to physically hurt. The only time where they both could see the struggle on their faces to stay calm and collected was when they were done with doing the dishes and had stood facing each other against the opposite kitchen counters.

Part of Omkara wanted to cover the distance between them, grab her and pull her close to himself. Just when his gaze had rested on her lips as he wondered how they'd taste against his mouth, her lips had parted in a silent gasp.

With the way Omkara was staring at her, Gauri was almost sure that he would take her in his arms, and... And what? Her heart thudded with the various scenarios popping into her head. If he decided to kiss her, how long would she take before responding to him? Would things get awkward if they kissed right now? If they kissed, what would follow?

Although Omkara had always been a sweet gentleman with her, she had witnessed, earlier, a glimpse of the promising passion that his eyes held. And at that thought, her overactive mind decided to overthink. If things escalated, would they do the deed? Was she ready? Was he ready? Was it okay to do it on an impulse by giving in to the urgent need they both felt right now? If they did, would they regret it the next morning? Will they become awkward about it? Will it affect their friendship, the comfortable bond that they shared? That last question was thought-provoking.

Omkara, on the other hand, observed the way her body language had changed. From being flustered and shy, she had slowly transitioned into being bolder. He did not miss the way she leaned back against the counter, as if in surrender to the thoughts as clear as the day in her eyes. Everything about her was screaming desire right now. Her pupils dilated as she looked into his eyes, her breathing had turned laboured to a point where she breathed through her mouth, her knuckles had almost turned white with how hard she had gripped the edge of the kitchen counter.

The only thought that crossed his mind was if he were to make a move right now, would she accept him or would she shy away and reject him. If she welcomed him, would he be able to walk to the bedroom with her without breaking the kiss? It was evident that she was still a virgin, and it somehow fuelled his primal desire. He had to take it slow if he decided to move ahead at all. Perhaps he could kiss her slowly at first, then kiss her passionately and then lead her into the bedroom by holding her hand, and carry on for the rest of the night. Or would they kiss with desperation and carnal want, and simply stumble across the room without breaking the kiss until they reached the bedroom? Or, would they just so it right here against the kitchen counter? The thoughts caused a stirring within him.

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