kiss them, or keep them

Start from the beginning

"Bye, Liebling," I replied back before shoving my phone into my pocket.

I smiled fondly as I remembered their confusion the first time I called them 'Liebling'. It meant 'Favorite' in German. I felt bad that their confusion brought me joy, but they loved that I had a secret nickname they didn't understand. I plenty reassured them that it was a good one and I wasn't calling them something bad in a language they didn't understand.

As I entered the building, I mentally prepared for the worst to come from talking to the mortician and reading over the chart. It was going to be hard.

But... I had a secret. Along with my eidetic memory, and high IQ, I had another... Special talent. No one knew about this one, not even my own mother and best friend.

My special talent included bringing people back from the dead.

A simple touch anywhere on their body, and they'll be back up as if nothing happened. I only have a minute with them before I reap what I sow. After a minute, if they're not back to being a corpse, someone else would take their place. And that's not a good thing when we're trying to solve their murder and they're alive.

I know that sounds weird. It's because it is weird. People bringing dead people back to life wasn't normal. "Normal people" shouldn't be able to do that. No one would believe me if I told them. And I'm sure if I told someone, especially someone in the FBI, I'd be dragged away to a secret government facility and tested on. Though, even though I work for the FBI, I don't think those exactly exist.

"Hi I'm Doctor Spencer Reid," I started as I fumbled for my badge. Once it was in my hand, I flashed it to the nurse, showing her my credentials. "I'm investigating the murder of Harper Lang. I was told her body would be down here." I smiled as I shoved my badge back into my pocket.

"Yeah, right this way." She smiled as she led the way to the morgue. I silently followed behind her, looking around the halls. "It's a shame, isn't it?"

"Mmh? Oh yeah."

"The Sheriff said it's a complicated case. Nothing about her to help solve the case."
"Yep, that'd be correct."

"She seemed so nice too."

"I can't really talk about the case. I'm sorry." I looked at the nurse as we stood outside of a door. She looked up at me with an odd smile before nodding.

"Well, if you need help with anything feel free to shout. The medical examiner should be down in a few minutes." She nodded before scurrying off, back to the safety of her desk.

I stood just outside the morgue, taking a moment of silence. I always hated when Emily sent me to these places. It was never the smell or the corpses that bothered me. No, it was the uneasy feeling that I felt.

My hand pressed flat against the door before I pushed it open. I quietly stepped into the room, looking around before my eyes landed on the stiff body of our victim. I looked over my shoulder, making sure no one was following. The last time I was being so secretive of something was in prison. But that was different. I was fearing for my life. This time I'm protecting a secret.

I slowly approached the body. My steps were quiet, though there really was no need for that. She wasn't waking up any- Well, she actually was.

I looked down at her body. She looked so... at peace. But I suppose that's the thing about death. It could actually be so peaceful.

My fingers hovered over her arm for the briefest of moments before they touched her.

Harper Lang jumped up so she was sitting. She had a mildly alarmed look in her eyes. I had to make this quick otherwise I'd find a dead nurse down in the waiting room.

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