Shiganshina part 3

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Levi: the beast titan has a good guess where we're at. This place will look like a honeycomb soon. Erwin, if you're saying we've got no chance to counterattack, let's get ready to flee.wake Eren sprawled out up there. Ride him and flee with as many people as possible. At least we'll have some survivors.

Marlo: hey! The horse got away! That was your job!

???: shut up like it matters!

Marlo: excuse me?!

???: those scouts were insanely strong and they died in an instant! You know as well as I do! What good is protecting horses... when there's nobody left to ride them home?! It all made sense at one point...if humanity just hid behind the walls,we'd someday get slaughtered by titans out of nowhere.somebody has to bite the bullet and risk taking action. In order for others to not become victims, we needed people to become the victims themselves.who will be that brave soldier?when I was asked that, I actually believed I could be that someone! But I never thought...that being sent to my death...would turn out to be so utterly meaningless in the end.

I heard enough and walked over to him, I stood him up

Y/n: question. were you forced into the scouts?

???: w-what?

Y/n: were you forced into the scouts?


Y/n: you willing put yourself into this position, so stop crying like a bitch, everyone scout knows that death is waiting for them whether it be there first expedition or years later. It's what you expect. you thinking you could make a difference was stupid. Every dead scout out there died for what they thought was right so get off your ass and make there deaths mean something.

It was quite for a second.

Y/n: sorry I'm not usually like that .

I walked away towards Levi and Erwin.

Y/n: sorry sirs that was really unprofessional of me

Erwin: it's fine y/n I think you made an impact.

I looked back and say the rookies were deep in thought.

Levi: what if whoever's left of the recruits and hanji's group scatter on horses...and try to make it home? By using them as a decoy you guys could escape on Eren.

Erwin: levi. What would you do?

Levi: I'm facing the beast titan. I'll draw him away—

Erwin: impossible. You won't even get close.

Levi: probably not. But if you and eren return home alive there's still hope.isn't that the best we can ask for at this point? What a huge defeat.

Y/n: captain if we're going through with this plan I would like to stay with you.

Levi: no

Y/n: if I may ask sir why

Levi: humanity need someone strong alive after this, if we both stay humanity loses its strongest soldiers.

Y/n; if I stay we have a higher chance of beating that titan.

Erwin: enough!

Levi: tsk. Erwin in my opinion I doubt a single one of us is making it back alive.

Erwin: yes assuming we had no way to counterattack.

Our eyes widen and look his way.

Levi/y/n: is there a way?

Erwin: yes!

Levi: why didn't you say that sooner? Why'd you keep your shitty mouth shut?

Erwin: if the plan goes well, you may be able to take down the beast titan. But it will take the recruits...and myself to give our lives. It's like you said either way most of us will die. No it's almost guaranteed we'll all be wiped out. In which case, we can stake our heroic deaths on a slim chance of victory. For this to ask these young ones to die, it would take an expert con man and a whole slew of lies. If I do not lead the vanguard none of them will follow. And I will die before anyone else.without ever learning what's in the basement... y/n could you leave us for a moment.

Y/n: yes sir

I walked away from them.

( small timeskip)

After Erwins speech we were mounting up on the horse and hand landed on my shoulder.

Levi: not you y/n your coming with me

Y/n: yes sir.

Me and Levi took off towards the titans while Erwin lead the charge at the beast titan, we were taking turns cutting the napes while making our way towards him, he kept throwing rocks at the charging scouts, every throw there was less and less scouts, we made it to the last titan.

Levi: I'll go for his go for his legs

Y/n: yes sir!

Levi shot into his arms cutting it up then slashed its eyes, i shot down cutting his ankles making him fall over Levi shot down cutting his other arm and his nape, he shoved his  sword into his mouth. I landed next to him pulling out my gun and aimed. It at him. His eyes widened, he tried to say something, but Levi pushed his blade farther into his mouth. The four legged titan jumped out of the smoke, i pushed Levi out of the way, the four legged titan bit my side, then took off running with the beast titan holder. Levi helped me up my side started to bleed.

Levi: you good?

Y/n: I'm fine.

???: all of you! Go kill them

Levi: where do you think you're going?.

The rest of the Titans took off running towards us.

Levi: stop I made a promise... that I'd kill you no matter what.

With the limited gas and blades we had, we took on the titans cutting the down the titans. After we killed them all we made our way to the wall climbing it. We looked down and saw the four legged titan in front of Eren, the beast titan holder looked up at us then, the four legged titan took off running. We landed down next to Eren.

Levi: give me your gas and blades hurry.

Eren: right!

Levi: hurry!

???: >cough<

I looked behind Eren and saw a burnt body.

( thank you for reading this, hope your day or night is going well. Also anyone who has served , is serving  or lost their life serving had my deepest respect, they are much braver than me, I couldn't do what they do or did)

Song: whatever it takes

Artist: imagine dragons

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