The ocean

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(No one's POV)
As everyone there watch y/n lose consciousness. Mikasa decided To speak up

Mikasa: you! help him

Cadet: r-right

The cadet moved towards y/n unconscious figure, he started to ripping up the his cloak and patching his wounds.

Cadet: just so you know everyone on the other side of this wall died when the beast titan threw Boulders at us. I didn't think anyone could be saved...but commander Erwin was the only exception. He thought of a plan for us to bite back at the beast titan... and we did.we were smashed to bits just as planned.and I'm sure the last thing they felt...was fear. When I found the commander alive I was about to finish him off.  But... that's going too easy on him. I thought to myself that he ought to taste more of this hell. And then... I understood. The only one who can lay waste to the titans.. is a devil! And if I can bring back the devil, that must be my mission in life! That has to be why I survived like a coward when everyone else died! So stay out of his way!

He finished semi patching y/n up before charging mikasa as he did mikasa raised her blade

Levi: don't do it.

Hanji came out of nowhere restraining mikasa.

Levi: hanji?

As this happened jean, Connie and Sasha landed on the building( I'm making it where Sasha didn't get injured) they stared in horror at there near dead friends. Sasha was the first to move

Sasha: Y/N!

She rushed over to the unconscious y/n and put her head to his chest. She started cried when she heard his faint heart beat

Jean:'ve got to be...kidding me...

Connie: no way...

Hanji: you can't... be serious...

Levi opened the case and pulled out part of the syringe, making mikasa gasp, she started to cry, scream and struggle in hanji's grip.

Hanji: mikasa! You have to know how we need Erwin! We can't let the flames of hope extinguish inside the walls!

Mikasa: but...Armin could... do that, too!

Hanji: it's true, Armin is exceptional...but he doesn't have Erwins experience and leadership!

Mikasa griped hanji's hand extremely hard before letting go.

Hanji: there are people I want to bring back, too.hundreds of them.

Mikasa stopped struggling.

Hanji: I've had to say farewell since the day I joined the scouts.....but... you know, don't you? No matter who it is, there comes a day to say farewell. I know it's impossible but you have to accept this.there will be times you can't keep your's tough,very tough. I know,even so, we have to keep moving forward.

Mikasa completely stopped struggling.

Mikasa: Sasha I'm sorry I'm the one who put y/n in that state.

Sasha: WHAT?!

There was a mix of anger and surprise in her voice.

Mikasa: he tried to stop me from attacking the captain and I kicked him in his wound and put him in that state.

Sasha just glared at mikasa and pulled y/n into her chest protectively.

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