A Date?

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"A date?" well wasn't that a surprise. The bastard was this happy over a date? It was clear Damien could get girls, as often as hed like his looks were certainly of women's standards. the question i had was why girls would want to go on a date with a self centered brick wall who is always serious? What was so special about this girl that she made him this exited and nice. I should thank her, he was finally being nice. He was finally treating me as an equal. But why wasn't i pleased? Did i want him to be mean?

No, of course you don't. Be happy that this girl has him nice.

It just didn't seem usual. It was like an alien in front of me instead of the pissed off man who was grumpy all the time.

I hate to admit it but I didn't like this new side of him. I enjoyed making him pissed. I enjoyed this new side of me that i was unleashing.

"yes a date, did you not hear me? How do I act? Where do i take her, i reserved a table at Fracolbi Zi did i go to out for a first date? I didn't have this planned out did I?"

Damien was nervous! what kind of world am i living in? This cant be true, Damien being nice and nervous over a girl? He was asking me, the person he called child, for help! Was she that special? I mean shes just a girl could he get any other one.

"Is this your first date?" i asked. 

He nodded and to my surprise was even more nervous than before. "You've never gone on a date?! Oh my Gosh." I couldn't believe it. He could've fooled me! He seemed like the cocky ladies type, maybe he was but felt that this date was special. Ha! Who am I fooling he's a egocentric millionaire. He'd just like the rest, gets spoiled with money and has.never heard the word no.

İ just felt sorry for the lady he was going to take to dinner. She probably didn't know this side of him like i did. Otherwise shed run at the first opportunity she got.

But you didn't run? He's a pain in the neck and adopted you. Yet you could've ran away again. You had the courage to. You don't like him anyways, what stopped you?

That inner voice of mine was driving me nuts. İ didn't run because i was tired of running for once. İ had a roof, nice food and a person who wasn't half bad. Yes he was so annoying, expecting me to seek his approval, expecting me to be obidient. But he's not as bad as others could be.

"Your not helping. Now tell me, your a girl, what the hell do i do or wear?" 

He was asking me for advice! MY enemy was asking for help! I pinched my skin to see if i was dreaming. "ouch!" nope not a dream. 

"Is Mr Damien LeSaux asking me for advice?" i mocked while a smirk tugged the corners of my lips.

Stone cold. His reaction was stone cold. His tone of voice filled with annoyance yet his facial expressions shown nothing but a serious aarogant brick wall.  "This isn't the time Hailey. I am asking you for advice, not help. Know that i truly need your advice otherwise i wouldn't ask."

"don't you have a sister or mom to help you? I mean you clearly said im just a little girl." His facial expression was solid but his eyes showed dread when bringing up that subject.

"We shall not speak of my family and yes i did say that but i cannot deny your of age to know about these experiences and dates so i ask for your advice. Will you just say yes already?" Haha so you admit im a young woman!

"Fine ill help you. The best way to prepare for a date is by practicing it. Practicing and preparing for the date will calm your nerves."

"Go on Miss Bizeveron. What is your plan"

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