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Every chance you got, you would take walks through the woods. Gathering fresh flowers and herbs that you find on your walks. Bringing them home to decorate your home. Sometimes, you'd use them to make teas and press the ones you thought were really pretty. You made yourself pretty familiar with the woods, so you wouldn't get lost on your walks. Each time you would travel a little farther.

On this particular day you went a little further than you normally would. Something had caught your attention. Large bushes that wouldn't have naturally grown there on their own. Looking at them, you could see some animals must've formed a little tunnel through them. This could be a fae trap but you decided to walk through the tunnel.

When you came out the other side, you were shocked. There were all kinds of shrubs and trees. This was obviously someone's garden. The flower bushes looked like they were planted intentionally, even if they weren't trimmed back. It was still early spring, late winter so a lot of the plants looked dead, besides the plants that were in season.

You called out to any possible owners, to let them know that the animals had made a tunnel into their garden. You didn't hear a response and decided to investigate. Walking around you found a small cottage. It looked a bit run down, it looked like it had been decades since someone got use out of that.

When you knocked on the door, it opened on its own. Swinging into the cottage. You peaked inside and to no one's surprise it looked as abandoned as the outside. You decided to walk in. It looked like it was once a cozy place to live. A fireplace, a few bedrooms, kitchen with dining room.

Moving in yourself crossed your mind but this would need extensive renovations and you didn't have that kind of money or energy. What a shame, the place was probably really cute when it was livable.

Stepping out of the cottage, you thought to yourself. Since this place was abandoned you'd claim it as your own. You would help the flowers, but it seemed like they were able to take care of themselves. You were definitely going to come back here often.

Looking at the sky, it was going to be dark soon. You should probably head back home and come back to explore the rest of this place another day. From what you could see there was still a lot more to explore. You left the same way you got in.

When you got home you put away all the items you collected. You went through your nightly routine and went to bed, excited for what tomorrow would bring. You wanted to wake up early tomorrow and get back to that garden.

When you woke up it was 10 am. Not exactly the time you wanted to wake up, but it would do. Grabbing a picnic basket and you packed it with the essentials for today. Some sandwiches, drinks and sweet treats. Then some first aid supplies and floral shears. With that done, you'd set out for the abandoned garden.

You found the bushes and climbed through the tunnel. It was still devoid of human life, just like the day before. Looking around the cottage again just in case, still empty. You decided to check out more of this garden. It was pretty big. You walked towards some more bushes. They weren't as tall as the other bushes surrounding the property.

You noticed they were structured a certain way. You followed the bushes to what looked like an entrance to a maze. This is what you'd explore today. Maybe if you made it to the center you could have lunch there.

It took a long ass time, but you actually made it to the center of the maze. It was particularly hard, especially with the overgrown bushes. In the center was a small stone gazebo. It had a stone table and chairs to match. Luckily it wasn't too dirty. So, you set up your lunch for the day here.

You began eating and enjoying the sounds of nature around you. A soft wind was blowing, and it was just really peaceful. Then you heard footsteps. You looked around. There were at least four points of entry to get to the gazebo. The footsteps kept coming closer and closer.

Garden of FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now