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just the thought of  having to drive home for dinner wakes up every nerve affected with irritation in my body. yes I have to have dinner with Melissa and my family and to add up to that I'm in an extremely shitty mood.

I have never had intimate feelings for Melissa I have actually never had intimate feelings for anyone never had the time. I mean I have had my fair share of sex but that was mostly random hookups with girls I would meet at the bar and with Melissa sometimes. but recently it looks like the thought of sex with anyone hasn't really been appealing since my system seems to want to screw someone else. maybe I should just sleep with Melissa today and I might miraculously forget about the champagne haired girl who hasn't left my mind since she stepped into my fucken office and now since I know how those lips taste like it doesn't look like i'm gonna be sober minded anytime soon. it was fierce and escalating I loved every second of it god she's beautiful and now I know I was right that she would really be beautiful underneath too. I really didn't get a full view but the glimpse I got was enough to prove me right. okay I really need someone to vent this to im running mad now. I have never wanted something so bad as I wanted her right there on my desk yesterday just the thought of it makes every nerve of me so excited. my sex life has always been controlled with hormones from teenage exploration in college to relieving myself no sex has ever been meaningful to me but why did Camilla make me want to explore every moment of it carefully , I wanted to engrave the experience in her mind to the point that it wouldn't be the same with anyone else and now the thought of her with someone else makes me boil. " way to go Dave". after yesterday we didn't talk she seemed to be avoiding both me and the topic when she was leaving the office and I didn't have the guts to text her cause I had a feeling she would avoid those too. a car horn from behind brought me back to my senses I had totally forgotten that I was on traffic lights and I had to start moving. I decided to drive home today the weather was calm and chilled just something I needed .

san Francisco has always been my hometown born here, raised here I just chose not to live here I couldn't handle my father dictating my life more than he already does. something everyone cant deny is the fact that the place is beautiful San Francisco is known for its cool summers, fog, steep rolling hills and eclectic mix of architecture just the environment I needed for me to clear my head thou I was quite sure that is not gonna be for long cause I was just a small distance away from home and to those who say home is where your heart belongs in no hell mine does.

all my life I was raised as a tool "work hard davlin , take a business course Davlin, watch your behavior Davlin, don't hang out with those people Davlin Davlin this Davlin that till today I still hear my father's words echoing in my head my life was never my own to live and decide that's why the first thing I did when I took over the company was to move out and away from my family. I needed a life of my own a life I could decide what to eat and how to walk but that had to cost me a lot.

"if you want to move out that badly then get engaged to Melissa"

"cmon dad does everything have to go your way all the time for Christ sake I'm 24 isn't it normal for me to move out" I was enraged and angry all my life I lived to his ultimatums didn't he atleast owe me this much

"I do not want the company I built to be tarnished coz of someones immaturity if you want to move out get engaged and I'm sure I wont have your name in newspapers with immoral scandals"

"if you don't trust me that much why did you make me dedicate my whole life to that stupid company of yours and if I was that immature don't you think I would've rebelled way back in college a place I didn't have your eyes all over plus don't you think I deserve to choose my own life partner for crying out loud I cant even stand Melissa for a minute"

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