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How I got myself in the situation I'm in right now even I don't get it . How I ended up on the road with Camilla I don't seem to put it together , all I know is I was out of my car and running after the figure which had caught my attention on the sidewalk. I knew it was her even though I saw her from behind , there was only one person that came to mind when I saw those dancing moves.

since when do I memorize how someone behaves? since when Dave?

why I'm I so interested in this girl why does it feel like she has a certain pull on me something I cant seem to pinpoint, if only I could feel that way about Melisa.

"you have a very beautiful apartment its very you like" she kept moving and looking around my living room

"what do you mean by you like?" I was taking glasses and wine from my bar

"its warm but cold at the same time just like your eyes"

"so you've been noticing my eyes I see?".....i was walking towards her "why are still standing over there have a sit" she sat on the floor in front of my coach I looked at her surprised and amused

"now why are you sitting there when I spent a bunch of dollars to get a comfortable coach for that?"

"its comfortable here you might as well join me"

I took the glasses and the wine and sat next to her, not quite the best idea to have wine with a girl who provokes all the switches in me but I really kinda wanted some wine tonight

"what makes you think I'm a mixture of warm and cold" she was still looking around my living room when I asked her I could tell she liked it

"who?" she looked at me startled

"you.... you just said my eyes look like that"

"oooh that......its actually coz of your smile when you genuinely smile your eyes produce a warm sparkle but then you become distant over sudden not you I mean your eyes"

"I might actually start thinking you've a serious crush on me right now cause looks like someone has been observing a lot about me"

"sorry but you actually not my type" surprisingly I got hurt hearing that from her , suddenly I wanted her to like me which was absurd cause I have never been one to try hard for someone to want me. "whats your type?" I asked while sipping my wine she stayed quite for some time without saying anything was that hurt or regret in her eyes there was an emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint

"I have actually never had time to think of a type I have only been with one person"

"ooooohhhh" looks like my heart has chosen to act differently today I was mad that she actually had someone so she was taken I see "how long have you been together?" I asked

" we were together for 6 years , 3 years of dating and the other 3 married got divorced last year"

"wait wait wait you've been married before??????" I actually never saw this one coming this lady has been married before talking about someone full of surprises

"why is it a turn off that I was" she looked at me with something I could only call sad eyes it looks like her divorce wasn't something she enjoyed talking about

"no its not I would still find you very very appealing in my bed..." I looked at her and laughed "you just look quite young to have been married before"

" I am actually I'm 23 got married at 20 soon after I graduated from college I know I was stupid to do that"

"no you actually wasn't I believe you had your reasons" I suddenly wanted to know more about her what made her get into such a rushed marriage , who was the jackass that broke her heart . what she likes , what she doesn't I couldn't deny it anymore I was interested in this woman

"enough about me how about you... you got someone in your life?"

"I have actually never been in love before it sounds more like crap to me that such feelings exist.... I've been in situations though"

"Melisa?" she asked I looked at her surprised to hear that name from her

"how do you know that name?"

"you picked up a call in my office remember I couldn't help but hear the conversation"

"oooh I remember now ...she actually is just someone whom I share a complicated relationship with"

"what kind of relationship?" I wasn't sure if I should tell her the whole story I wasn't used to opening up to people I actually don't even have friends who I can call friends

" I will tell you when we become close" I looked at her and smiled she looked at me questionably thankfully the door bell rang

" looks like our food is here let me go and get the door" I got up and went to get the food looks like the delivery guy had quite good timing I didn't want to explain to Camilla about it I just felt like it would push her away, why did I even care about her distant "damnit Dave get it together"

'you said something?" she asked

"nope I didn't say anything" I placed the food next to where we sat and she went straight to opening the boxes

"looks like someone was starving all this time"

"whoa is this Mapo tofu I love it.... and yes I am starving I didn't have lunch today"

"dig in then" we ate in silence not the awkward silence it was actually the most comfortable silence it was that type where you don't feel forced to talk about something I weirdly enjoyed her company

"oooooh nooh Dave!" she had checked her phone and started getting up " do you know what time it right now its 00:30 and I'm supposed to report to work at 8"

she was now rushing to the door to get out i followed her and grabbed her hand "geez cam calm down its not that bad and its not like you 'll drop yourself home let me just get my keys"

"of course its not that bad cause I was with my boss that's why I will be late for work I really could use that excuse and report to work at 9 but i don't want people to talk about how you all lenient on me and start creating rumors. I have a reputation to you don't have to drop me I live three blocks away from your place" she rushed out before i could even stop her and she was gone i suddenly missed her her company brought a certain comfort i had never felt in a long time , a comfort of a normal conversation with someone a conversation which was not forced or a pointless conversation I would try to maintain with a girl just cause I wanted to have sex with her don't get me wrong I badly wanted to do the wildest things with this girl the moment I saw her on that sidewalk. keeping my self control around her was hard but worth it cause the talking , her laugh , the silence didn't bore me at all. even I am surprised that I'm thinking that way.

I went to my room took off my clothes , I was tempted to call Camilla I don't even know where those thoughts came from but I stopped myself and headed to take a shower. I felt relaxed after a long day of moving from one meeting to another. I actually didn't notice I was tired till i felt myself yawn while I was in the shower. suddenly my mind drifted to how she looked in those buggy clothes she looked so simple but pretty i wanted to remove every inch of them to find out what she was hiding inside them it was hard hiding my erection in front of her.

I didn't even realize my hand was on my crotch and moving sprightly I was now closing my eyes with my head jerked backwards. I was wanking to Camilla's face and that was the most disturbing thing that I have ever done.

How is it so far???
Please let me know
Love essy!!!!

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