Jirou: not happening.

Izuku: what?

Jirou: I'm going to make sure you get rest so I'm staying right here.

Izuku: fine.

Reluctantly Izuku stayed in bed and rested just like Jirou wanted him to. It didn't take much effort to keep him in bed though as Izuku was tired from being up all night working. A short time after laying down Izuku had fallen asleep.

Jirou mind: (sigh) at least it didn't take much to get him to rest.

Jirou was quite comfortable in the bed as well and not a minute later she had also fallen asleep. The two of them then slept through the morning and into the afternoon. Around twelve though is when Jirou began to wake up. Slowly her eyes began to open.

Jirou: oh man it looks like I fell asleep.

At first what she said didn't register in her head but after a few short seconds her eyes went wide with realization.

Jirou mind: oh no I fell asleep in Izuku room!

Jirou then for the first time noticed the arm that was wrapped around her. Looking down at the arm then following it to the person it belonged. Jirou realized that Izuku was holder her as they slept.

Jirou mind: oh no I feel asleep in Izuku's bed with him and now he has his arm around me! What do I do, what do I do!?!

Jirou was no panicking but eventually calmed herself down.

Jirou mind: it's ok Jirou, it's not a big deal. So you slept in the same bed together while he held you. So what it's not so bad, in fact it actually feel nice. No what am I saying!

Jirou then began to panic a little again but stopped when she felt Izuku begin to move. As he started to move he pulled her in closer. Because of this Izuku and Jirou's faces were now just centimeters away from each other.

Jirou mind: so close!

Slowly Izuku began to wake up. He opened his eyes and was immediately met with the sight of a blushing Jirou. Unlike Jirou though Izuku didn't panic and instead remand calm.

Izuku: morning.

Jirou: I think it's actually noon.

Izuku: I see.

Jirou: yeah.

It was silent for a little longer until Jirou spoke again.

Jirou: we should probably get up so can you.....

Jirou then nudged his arm a little so he knew what she meant.

Izuku: this is really comfortable though so can we just stay here a little longer?

Jirou face got even redder then it was before. Jirou then answered Izuku's question but tried to avoid eye contact as she did.

Jirou: I don't care.

Hearing this the grip Izuku had around Jirou's waist got just s tiny pit tighter. It wasn't enough to be seen but Jirou felt it. The two of them just laid there in a comfortable silence after that. Jirou still tried to avoid eye contact with Izuku as they did. Eventually though her will broke and she slowly looked up at him. When she did her black eyes locked with his green. Jirou then began to feel a tug in her chest and began to lean in closer to Izuku.

Jirou: Izuku?

Izuku: yes.

Jirou: I.

Izuku: yes.

Jirou never got to say what she wanted to as she instead kissed him. Jirou has been wanting to kiss Izuku for a while. She however could never find the courage to do do it. She always told herself that it was a bad idea or that Izuku wouldn't want her to. But here, now, seeing him so close to her. She didn't care. Jirou decided that she would deal with whatever comes next when it comes but for now she was going to enjoy this moment.
The two of them continued to lay there in bed wrapped in each other's arms passionately kissing each other. Neither one showed any signs of stopping. Both of them enjoying the moment to much for that. However all things must come to an end at some point and this moment was no exception to that.
Eventually Jirou backed away from the kiss. Her face showing that she was utterly happy with what she had done. That was until she fully realized what it was that she actually done. When that happened her face turned bright red. A look of embarrassment then replaced the happy face she once had. Now don't misunderstand this Jirou was very happy with what she did and still is. However it's the fact that she did it that embarrassed her. With all of these emotions going through her Jirou couldn't take it anymore and quickly jumped up out of the bed. This act surprised Izuku.

Izuku: are you ok?

Jirou: of course I am!

Izuku: are you sure?

Jirou: absolutely!

Izuku: then where are you going?

Jirou: I forgot about this thing and another thing that all has to be put in this.....this.....

Izuku: thing.

Jirou: exactly so I got to go do that!

Izuku: did I do something wrong? Did you not want me to kiss you?

Jirou: no that's not it at all and that kiss was nice I just really have to go!

And with that Jirou ran out of the room leaving a confused Izuku alone in there.

Izuku: well that was weird.

Izuku then swung his feet out of bed and stood up.

Izuku: but now that I'm rested I can get back to work.

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