Chapter 1: You Belong With Me ✨

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"You always say that! "It's going to be big." Or "it's something different", I'm tired Chris! I'm fucking tired!"

"Why are you yelling Y/n?!" He crossed his arms. Confused at my sudden urge of anger.

"I know this is going to sound selfish, and I know you love what you do. But have you ever thought about our marriage? I mean you've been acting since you were 18, our whole marriage has been involved with movies and contracts and deals. I have stuck with you through. It. All."  My eyes watered.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying maybe you've been paying attention to the wrong thing. We don't even have dinner anymore Chris! I used to cook for you all the time! And now it's just me eating alone! While you film for whatever! I barely even talk to you anymore, the only time I see you is when you come home at 2, 3 in the morning. It's not fair to me."

I walked over to the suitcases I had packed. Expecting exactly what happened today. I promised myself that I'd fly home to visit my mom, the next time Chris would take on a new project.

"What's with all the suitcases Y/n?! where do u think you're going?"

"I'm going back home Chris. Stay here and film for you're big project. I'm going to see my mom."

"Why didn't you tell me? We could've made a trip out of it." He gripped my arm gently.

"And when would we have gone? With your busy work schedule?"

"I would've made the time Y/n."

"Mhm. Just like you make the time for me right?"

I grabbed a hoodie and pulled my suitcase down the steps, the chauffeur was already here waiting to take me to the airport.

Chris realized that maybe he was working a little too much and not paying as much attention as he wanted to his wife. Don't get me wrong I love him, he's an amazing actor and I love that he does what he does. All I'm asking is to get my old life with him back. The way we worked things out and balanced things.

"Y/n. Stay, my love. Please? I'm sorry. You're right I have been working a lot, but acting isn't the only thing that matters to me. The only important part of my life is you. And if I have to sacrifice some projects to spend more time with you then tell me and I'll do it."

I closed my eyes, letting a small sigh out.

"I can't make the decision for you Christopher. But it shouldn't be a difficult one to make anyway." I frowned and stepped away from him, he still pulled me by my wrist. "I'll be in Boston for the weekend. I'll see you on Monday."

I pecked his cheek, and hopped into the car. Telling the chauffeur to go.

**PRESENT TIME, 2012**

The next morning I met up with my best friend aka my maid of honor, aka Bizzie as we ate brunch at our favorite diner, a diner we've been going to since we were young.

She's been my best friend since 8th grade, and was actually the one who introduced me to Chris when I met him my junior year of high-school. After that, the three of us were inseparable, riding our bikes all over our town - which eventually turned into driving around in Chris's car when he got his license.

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