Chapter 11: It's Not Your Fault. And Even If It Was I Wouldn't Care.

Start from the beginning

I was probably in shock for a few seconds. This was new side to Camila. Dinah was trying to figure out what was going on while Normani and Ally where in there own world. "Are you serious?" I told Camila quietly. 

"Let me know." She then said to my ear.

"That's it. I'm sitting in between the both of you." Dinah pushed her tray in between Camila's and I.

Lunch continued and I spent most of it trying to contain my stupid smile. It had been a long time since I’d been part of this. I missed Camila and I missed the time we all spent together talking about nonsense or poking fun at each other. I looked at Lauren every now and then. She made me happy but being with her meant removing myself from the people I loved. It meant being away from the first girl that I ever loved. And now I didn’t know how long I could commit to that, even if I did love Lauren.


Walking to my Jeep at the end of the day I found Camila waiting for me on the hood of my Jeep. Her legs where dangling from the hood and her hands back as she looked up at the sky. "Look at you Miami girl tanning and what not." I called out. 

"You were taking forever. Besides a little tan never hurt anyone.” She said rolling her eyes. “Anyways, I thought we could start my driving lessons today." 

"Oh lord. You're still on that train. I thought you'd given that dream up." 

"I don't know why you insist on playing this game every time I’m going to drive your Jeep. You know you're going to end up giving me your keys." Camila was climbing down motioning with her hands. "So baby, just give me your keys." Camila made her way over to me and pulled me into her by the waist, her right hand slow making its way down my back. Her hand stopped when it reached my right back pocket. I thought she was going to put her hand in it but instead she squeezed it. "Ow!" Her squeeze made me retort.

"Nope, it's not in that pocket." She said with biting her lip then lowered her left hand and squeezed the other.

"Excuse you. Do you mind?" I looked at her a bit frightened at the close proximity between us. She then looked at my neck and started placing soft kisses on it. To say that my knees were weak would be saying the least. I mean this seemed a bit much to just drive my Jeep. Her lavish lips on me traced the spots that they had been acquainted with before. I couldn't help but close my eyes and enjoy the path they reopened. I was savoring and locking in the moment when I felt her teeth beginning to press against my skin. "Fuck. Camila." The breath of her laughter eased the pain on my skin. But honestly, I was more turned on than in pain at the moment. And she only amped my serotonin more when she whispered in my ear. "Where are the keys?"  

"They're in my back pack, 50 shades." She quickly moved to pull my backpack off and began plowing through it for the keys to the jeep. I was paralyzed in fear of what I would do if I moved. I wanted to kiss her back so badly. "I'm gonna have to start calling you Camila Grey." 

Camila snorted. "Oh baby, that’s was barely even a taste." She walked teasingly to the Jeep. "You haven't seen my playroom." 

I raised my eyebrow and looked at her in shock. "Fuck me." 

"We'll see." She replied with a wink. 

I shook my head. "Wait, that's not—"

"You know that's what you meant." And her smirk grew bigger.

And it was true. I just didn’t mean to say it out loud. I mean who wouldn't? Camila was fucking sensual and she was using it to play against me knowing that it had to be one of my biggest weaknesses aside from her eyes.

What If I Loved Her Too? (Camila/Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now