There is silence on the other end and it's so sad that I feel like crumbling into a ball and crying my heart out. I haven't fallen in love and I don't know how far people are willing to go for their love and given the way my life is headed I don't think I'll ever know what it feels like to fall in love.

When I reached home, I was greeted with what I had anticipated. My husband avoiding eye contact and behaving as if he was caught red handed smuggling human organs. I didn't bother pretending that I didn't know. I was tired of his habits and I was tired of acting.

As I removed my earrings and placed them on the dressing table, I noticed the kohl pencil. How I had purchased the best in market kajal liner because of that one time Rahil had mentioned at how my eyes looked bright and pretty. I scoffed at the memory. No matter what I did, I wouldn't compete to the ever beautiful Krishna.

She was fairer, prettier, slimmer and most importantly she held a place in Rahil's heart.

I sighed and buried my head in my heads as I tried to calm myself.

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

It wasn't though, was it?

How could a marriage work when my husband wasn't entirely mine?

Cold fingers on the skin of my neck made a shiver run down my spine. I straightened up and peeled my hands away from my face as Rahil tried massaging my neck.

"Please, just stop" I held up my hand and shot out of my position and got up. "Don't touch me"

Rahil despite my request took a step towards me and I bit my lip from screaming loud.


"You still love her, don't you?" I demanded and Rahil froze. His eyes widened and guilt made itself clear as day on his face. I took a step back and put space between us. It still wasn't enough. The feeling of betrayal was like a ghost latched onto me and choking me.

"I don't understand..... if you wanted eternally keep waiting for her then why why WHY did you marry? Why didn't you just become her Radha and chant bhajan's for her?!"

I was screaming by the end of it. Hurt and disbelief floated on his face and he looked at me as if he was looking at me for the first time. A second passed before he sprung forward and grabbed my hands in his.

"Payal, it's not lik-"

"It's not what it looks like? Well, Rahil, you sneaking around to talk to her is proof enough that you still have feelings for her" I was aware of the deep poison my words held at the moment but I needed him to know what this felt like.

I trusted this man with my future, with my life and with my heart.

"Please, stop Payal"

But he wanted someone else.

"It's been two years of marriage and I'm trying my best to be the best partner for you," I said losing all energy. My knees felt wobbly and took a seat on the edge of the bed as I hung my face low. "But you don't want me, do you?"

A shadow crawled in front of me and soon hands were on my face, pulling my face up. I hadn't realized tears had slipped through my eyes and my wet cheeks were not being wiped by Rahil. Rahil who had glazed eyes and looked like he himself was fighting away tears.

"How could you say that?" Pain flashed through his eyes and I tried my best to shove away his grip but he held my hands firmly in his. He looked into my eyes with a determination that could probably set fires.

"I'm not letting you go. Not now, not ever and I'll gladly end all your doubts if you just give me a chance"

Me to Payal right now:

Perhaps, a bit emotional but I promise the end is so much better

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Perhaps, a bit emotional but I promise the end is so much better.

It'll make you cry!

But like in a good way.

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