Kendo: Bingo! Knew you weren't faster than this puppy.

(Y/N): But I am slightly faster than Hado.

Kendo: Air resistance and you only moving a bit. Plus, the supernatural phenomena of "super strength". When a loved one is in danger, humans tend to gain an unusual amount of strength and the willpower to succeed.

(Y/N): Geez...thanks.

Kendo: (Smiles) Welcome!

Kendo walked back to where you guys had your set up and re-established all the components needed in order to fully test out your speed capabilities. As you walked to the starting line, you grew a smirk and turned back to Kendo.

(Y/N): After I'm done, we need to test out your speed.

Kendo: Excuse me? Didn't we just do that?

(Y/N): Not exactly. We tested out the BIKE's speed. Not yours.

Kendo: ...You just want me to be slower than the bike, don't you?

(Y/N): ....Just tell me if you're set up or not.

Kendo giggled and punched in a few key codes and gave you a thumbs up. You took a deep breath and cracked your neck. You got into your starting position and waited for Kendo to give the official call. She held up three fingers, slowly counting down bit by bit. She then formed a fist and waved it down, sending you off. You activated your quirk and flew forward before dashing off to your top speed.

You knew you were flying modestly so you picked up the pace, stretching your body to its very limits. You gritted your teeth as you increase your speed and pushed yourself more and more. You yelled as you felt go as far as possible until you passed Kendo and the equipment. You stopped yourself and slid along the ground and rolled as well, trying to slow down with every option.

You came to stop shortly after, thanks to some help from Kendo. She used her quirk to make you slow down and stop you. She then got you to your feet and dusted you off.

Kendo: Are you ok?

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. I think so. Well, uh, how did I do?

Kendo: About 101 kph. Not bad. Just-

(Y/N): Just not perfect. Got it. I we really need to-

Kendo: Nope. We're good.

You sighed and walked off to the sidelines and crashed down onto the roadway. Kendo walked over and joined you down on the ground and wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you in close.

(Y/N): Well...taking all this data into effect, I think speed training should be the next thing we need to focus on.

Kendo: You don't say. So, plan for that?

(Y/N): A few more test runs maybe. If we can push ourselves to the limit then we should be able to break them and go further.

Kendo: You just got that from that one anime.

(Y/N): Beats the stuff you watch. Four magical, multi-colored girls meant to stop a witch. (Sighs) The fanbase in America ruined that show.

Kendo: Yeah, I know. Oh well, back to testing?

(Y/N): Sure.

You two went back to your stations and decided to run some more tests. You eventually got Kendo to run the course, same as you. She was able to run about 2.4 kph. Granted you were faster in the air, and you were only slightly faster than on your own feet. Regardless, the time spent was a ton of fun.

You shot past your limit, going over the same test run again and again. Repetition made your body get used to the pain. Sure it was brutal, but it was all in the name of improvement. Unknown to you both, your father and Vlad King was watching you guys from the sidelines.

Dracuul: If they keep this amount of pressure, they will break themselves. We can't support this!

Vlad King: Of course we can. Villains are getting a lot more aggressive. If we tell them to hold back now, they will hold back in the field. We can't afford that. Or has your system made you soft?

Dracuul: Sekijiro. Come on. I thought we-

Vlad King: I know, I know. But still, we can't have a chance to be soft on these kids. Especially nowadays.

Dracuul: Yeah. I know. So, when they fight the bad guys, how do you think these two will do?

Vlad King: These two? Psh. No worries about them. Or did you forget that they already made three arrests since getting their provisional licenses?

Dracuul: Those three were thugs. A minor fight at best.

Vlad King: So, you say their first pro accomplishment is nothing but tell me to hold them back? What is your angle here, Akira?

Dracuul: I...(Sighs) It's been a long day. Sorry.

Vlad King: Don't tell me that. Tell that to your boy, who you apparently want to shelter.

Dracuul looked back out to see you and Kendo running another test, you pushing your entire being into pure speed. He sighed as he was Kendo catch you and basically saved your lifetime and time again. He sighs again and rubs the back of his neck as he walks back inside, away from his family. 

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu