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A/n POV:-
As the lights switched on Y/n saw someone in front of which made her eyes widen in shock and got shocked....

Y/n:-*shocked* Tae what a-are you D-doing here?????

Tae:- I don't know jungkook told me to come here!!

Y/n:- *confused* What????

Both were confused why they were in front of each others in mean Time jungkook appeared in the middle of them from nowhere....

Jungkook:- Hello Lovebirds!!!!!!

Y/n and Tae were in shock hearing jungkook

Tae:- W-What are you saying kook???

Jungkook:- Don't dare to fool me again hyung you thought I didn't know anything????

Tae:- what are you talking about kook???

Jungkook:- Hyung I know everything and stop being unaware okay!!!!
*Looks at Y/n * I know hyung u love

Tae:-*shocked* I-Its not L-Like that kook!!!

Jungkook:- Enough hyung I know everything. Actually I overheard you and Jimin on that day when I told u about how I feel for y/n....

*Tae looking down and crying silently*
Jungkook went to tae....

Jungkook:- hyung how can u do this to her. She loves you so much and u are ignoring her for me how can u do this to her....... I know you love me and u can't see me cry or hurt but it does mean you can hurt our princess(Y/n)

I appreciate it hyung and I respect you a lot but I can't steal your love of life from you hyung I knew that u guys love each other....

Because they u both look at each other sadness in your eyes your hurtness is visible to everyone hyung so please hyung don't do this to her and yourself.....

You always told me that u would fulfill my one wish so please be with her and give her happiness she deserves please hyung......

Tae:-*teary eyes* Jungkook!!!!!

Tae and Jungkook hugged each other😍

Meanwhile other members came out and started cheering the new couple....

Namjoon:- Yahh!! Tae u r so bad that u were the reason for my princess's sadness!!!!!

Jin:- He is right if I would have known I would have already chopped you off *angrily*

Suga:- Yahh enough now at least they are together and that's the nice thing.

J-Hope:- yes suga is right congratulations princess 💜 *smiling *

Jimin:- Happy for you both *gives flying kiss*

Y/n:- Kookie you are the bestest person I have ever met in my life *hugging jungkook*

Jungkook:- Just be happy you both together and take care of each other and yeah don't dare to leave each other understand *playfully shouting*

Y/n:- PROMISE!!!!

Tae:- PROMISE !!!!!! Jungkook you are really best.....*they both hugged each other......*

Suga:- Come on now let's give them some privacy and let me sleep for some more time *yawning*

All:- yea let's go.....

Jungkook wispers in tae's ear:- Enjoy hyung *teasing smile*

Tae:-*shyly* Yahh you brat.....

Jungkook ran from there......

All left from there leaving Y/n and Tae alone

Y/n:- please don't you dare to leave me again!!!! Got it!!!!

Tae:- I promise to stay with you forever baby💜😍

Listening baby Y/n started blushing hard.....

Seeing her blushing hard Tae pulled her close to him and smashed his lips with her soft lips.....

Without wasting any second she kissed him back....there was no lust or hunger in the kiss it was pure love in the kiss.....they were kissing so passionately.....after kissing they pulled away because of lack of breathing and stocked there forheads together......

Y/n :- I LOVE YOU TAETAE!!!!!!

Tae:- I LOVE YOU MORE Y/N !!!!!!!

                          *THE END*

LoVe or FriEndShip ❤️💔 Taehyung FF Jungkook FF {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now