Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning a little hazy. I rubbed my eyes and last nights events came flooding back making me feel nauseous. I looked at my hand to see black. I groaned and walked into the bathroom to see I slightly resembled a raccoon.

I turned the faucet on feeling the cold water on my fingers and splashed it over my face gently rubbing the makeup off. I stepped back taking in my dishevelled appearance. I ran my fingers through my hair in attempts to detangle it slightly.

 I went into the kitchen and was met by the three men "I went out and got some clothes they're on your bed" Sam said and I thanked him, going back into my room. I grabbed the outfit putting it on and folding my suit nicely.

It was a simple outfit. Easy to move in, easy to run in, something I would be doing a lot of now. I slipped the runners on and walked back into the kitchen where Zemo offered me an orange which I gladly took.

Sam was on the phone and Bucky seemed to be avoiding my gaze. Not that surprising. Sam walked in rather angrily. "Karli threatened my sister" he explained and I looked at him sympathetically. I was filled in on everything by Zemo on the jet and it was a lot, to say the least.

 "I'm going to see her," he said grabbing his coat "correction we all are," I said getting up as well and he sighed. I gave him a look and he looked defeated as we all got up ready to leave.

I stayed behind pulling Bucky back with me. "I'm sorry," I said and he shook his head. I bit my lip holding back well-needed tears and he exhaled holding my face "it's only gonna hurt" I said and he nodded "it'll hurt together" he reasoned.

My heart hurt the feelings I was avoiding so desperately were coming rushing back. A lone tear escaped against my will and Bucky wiped it away. I leaned upwards slowly against my will again placing my lips on his. 

He kissed back and I stared at him pulling back. I placed my fingers on his lips and just before he could say anything we heard Sam's voice telling us to hurry up. I stared at him one last time before pulling away and walking out as he followed.

That was unexpected but it happened and there was no changing it.


Mwah 💋

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Mwah 💋

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