🦋Chapter 2🦋

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Note: for entertainment only

A/N: So yeah I'm gonna continue this and feel free to correct me on any grammatical errors even on wrong spelling's just comment it, cause I will accept any of your corrections and thank you. Now let's get back to the story.

Kanae's shout was different liked annoyed and that makes's the squad get up at the moment they hear Kanae's voice ringing on the whole house.


"ONE!!!....TWO!!!....TH-"Kanae's count was cut off by the squad.

"WE ARE AWAKE!!!! WE'RE GONNA GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!"even Kanao shouted cause of Kanae being annoyed.

"GOOD I'M GONNA WAIT HERE AND GO DOWN HERE WITH YOU'RE UNIFORMS AND THINGS!!!"Kanae shouted but less louder than the first.

The squad went to their bathroom and clean themselves. After few minutes they all went to their rooms and change to their uniforms. The squad was not that exited to their first day at Kimetsu High so they slowly walk downstairs after picking their things and changing. After a moment they all downstairs Kanae was shocked.

"Sugoii!!!the uniforms we're perfect on you guys!!"Kanae said in amazed tone because she sees the squad on the school uniforms where she's working.

"But nee-san you see us wearing this uniforms yesterday?" Shinobu asked to her sister.

"No you wear the blazer today and it suits you perfect Shinobu!"Kanae added.

"N-nee-san!"Shinobu said embarrassed.

"Kanao you look cute on that sweater it's a perfect fit for a softie girl like you, I like it!"Kanae said that made Kanao blush.

"T-thanks nee-san"Kanao said in a shy tone while facing the floor.

"Nezuko-chan you look cute on that black uniform for first years and you have a cute bag there it suits a energetic girl like you!"Kanae compliment more.

"Thank you Kanae nee-san!"the girl with a cute smile said in energetic tone.

"Ara, Aoi-chan y-you choose the blazer without sleeve's?"Kanae said in confuse but exited tone to hear what Aoi's words are.

"U-umm I just notice it cool and it's my taste though so I decided to wear it, s-should I-I change? It is ungly to me?"Aoi said.

"Ara, no of course I'm just curious and it's suit's you perfectly a girl that have a unique style I love it! You should wear it everyday you have two of them right?"Kanae said.

"Y-yeah sure Kanae nee-san and thank you for the compliment I really appreciate it!"Aoi said to Kanae.

"Ara?"Kanae said while looking at Tanjiro.

"I-is something wrong Kanae nee-san?"Tanjiro said in confusion.

"Ohh nothing I'm just impressed that you wear the most formal uniform why would you choose it?"Kanae replied while asking a question.

"Ohh, yeah the thing is I want to be formal on my first day" Tanjiro replied with a innocent look that's why when his talking to someone they just in a 'awe how innocent boy'.

"Zenitsu-kun you choose the sweater?Why?"Kanae asked again.

"Yeah I choose the sweater cause it's comfortable it is ugly to me?"Zenitsu's words became serious.

"Ara, no it match to your beautiful golden eyes Zenitsu-kun!"Kanae said that made Zenitsu blush.

"Inosuke-kun why would you wear a sweater? and where's you're neck tie? and you're shirt it's unbuttoned?"Kanae added that made Aoi's attention came to Inosuke.

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