xxxviii : barn-burner

Comincia dall'inizio

I finally saw the light of the convenience store after a few minutes of running non-stop. We are more safe there since there are a few people. 

wait- but what if he's not afraid of killing the civilians?

I looked at the captain once again, we were about to hit the intersection point! I can finally go with him!

he said, walking out from a narrow street. He ran towards me, I stopped on my tracks and froze seeing the killer suddenly on his back.

My eyes went wide. No way.




I was far away from him when the killer suddenly shot him on his back. His body instantly fell on the ground.

My whole body started trembling as the killer moved closer to the body of the captain. he pointed his gun on the body and shot him again and again. on the face, on the back, on the chest

he made sure he's dead.

i took a step backwards seeing him reloading his gun. he glanced at me, he was wearing a clown mask. It totally creeped me out but the fear of dying is more frightening right now.

"fvck this...."
I whispered at myself while running. He started shooting at me. I ran towards the nearest street to conceal myself once again.

Fvck! We just lost our lead! Where the hell is Heeseung...?!!


What if..

No fvcking way.

I ran faster, aiming for the bus station now. My hands are sweating like crazy and so my forehead. I can't let him shot me too. I don't want to die yet!


i jumped hearing another gunshot being directed towards me. I can feel adrenaline coursing through my body as i started running faster. I can't feel fatigue anymore.

I finally reached the bus station. I quickly ran towards the waiting shed and hid myself there.

"please please please..."
I was hoping that the killer won't come here. There are three strangers with me right now, looking at me as if I've already became crazy. My hands were trembling hard, I shut my eyes closed and tried to calm myself down.

I flinched after feeling someone touching my shoulder. I quickly opened my eyes, gaining my vision back and seeing Heeseung in front of me. He was panting and sweating. He looked at me with concern.

"What happened? Where is he?"
he asked between his breathes. I just shook my head, remembering what happened earlier.

"The captain.. he's already dead. The killer was there too. At the club.. He-"

I suddenly remembered the guy I bumped earlier.

No way...

he has the same clothes!!

I just freaking bumped with the killer?!

"are you okay? where is the body? where's the killer now?"
he asked again. I was just there, staring at the void.

There was like a possibility that i was already dead there, why did he not killed me?

"Why did he kept me alive..."
I whispered to myself... he looked at me, eyebrows crossed.

"What are you saying?"
I looked at him and shook my head.

I answered, standing up and checking if the killer still followed me. He disappeared. Did he flew already? or is he waiting for me? I don't know....

"let's go to the body."
The bus came to the station and the strangers that were waiting there quickly left the two of us. He just nodded his head, following me to the intersection where  the body was left.

"It should be here...."
We reached the intersection after a few minutes. the body should be there but it was nowhere to be found anymore.

"here... look at these bloodstains.. The body was here."
i pointed the bloodstains on the road. it was still fresh. 

"The killer took his body."
Heeseung whispered to himself..

"For what?"
I asked him, he looked at me, realizing i heard him.

"maybe he has something to do with the body.. or he has an evidence with him... I don't know..."
he said, looking around to check the surroundings.

i stopped when I saw a shining figure in the middle of the pool of blood. I looked at Heeseung who was busy checking the nearby store. I bent down and took it.

a ring?

wait.. there's something engraved in it.

'stella, XII IX MMXIX'

"stella.... star? "



I quickly hid the ring after i heard Heeseung calling me.

I slid the ring on my pocket and made sure it won't be lost.

"The body is not here anymore. let's go?"




Is this ring owned by the killer?


eishi's here~ I don't have classes today so i chose to just update~ hshshshs

Anyjays, I'm still thinking why Heeseung is nowhere to be seen when he's needed the most. lmao. Also, the ring..... 👀

If some of you didn't know, barn-burner is actually an event, usually for hockey games that means intense games. It only means that one's team is highly outscoring the other team. That's why it's the title! hshshshs that's very random but yeah XD

detention club! | 엔하이픈✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora