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A month had passed since I got to Boston and everything was going really well. I had made a few friends and within a couple minutes of my first day at Boston University I became pretty close to Grace and Josh, whom with I shared a couple of classes. You could even say that we are best friends, it was that kind of friendship that was meant to be and shows you that quality beats time. We were still getting to know each other but I felt like I could trust them with my life already, if Jess was here she would get along with them so well.

Josh was also an exchange student, he was from Canada but had been living here over a year now. Grace, on the other hand, is American, from California to be exact but she moved here to go to Boston University.

Also, my bond with Lisa got stronger by the minute, she sort of became a mother figure to me and made me feel part of the Evans family along with the rest of the family members.

I was currently about to get ready since Grace and Josh wanted to take me to a nightclub. I laid the outfit that Scott helped me pick before he went out on a date with his boyfriend and hoped in the shower. Once I finished, I wrapped a towel around my body and started applying my skincare products before my make up.

–Oh, crap.

I got out of the bathroom realizing it would probably be better to get dressed first. Thankfully the bedroom I was staying in had its own private bathroom. I got rid of my towel and put my underwear on. Everything after happened in the blink of an eye. My door swung open, which made me turn and scream at the guy who was standing there while I grabbed my towel as quickly as I could. The guy shouted at the same time as I did.

–Who are you and why are you naked in my room?

–Who are you and why are you in my room, creep? –I held tight onto my towel and looked all over to find something I could use to defend myself, I grabbed a heel.

–This is my room. Besides, what damage could you do with a high heel? –he mocked me.

–You'd be surprised to see what this can do... I take it you're Christopher? –I lifted a brow and he nodded in response.– Could you... turn around?  –he did as I asked.

–Call me Chris, no one calls me by my full name. Who are you by the way? Oh no, are you a fan?

–Am I a fan? –I said scoffing.– I take it your mom didn't tell you she was hosting an exchange student?

–Oh... you're Y/n. –he turned around to see me.– Mom didn't tell me she gave you my room.


–Sorry, sorry. –he turned again.

–You should probably go...

–Yeah, sorry about that... –he said pointing at the bathroom and then the whole room.

–It's okay, I guess...

He left, closing the door behind him. Wow... what had just happened? Besides embarrassing myself, I happened to learn to always lock the door. I finished getting ready as fast as I could, grabbed my purse and headed downstairs trying not to make any noise and praying not to encounter Chris again. Thank God he didn't see me at all naked but still it was uncomfortable.

–Where are you going? –said a voice behind my back, forcing me to turn around.

–To a nightclub with my friends. Could you tell Lisa, please?

–Uh, yeah sure...

–Thanks, bye. –I awkwardly smiled and turned back around, heading to the main entrance door.

Before I could open it, it swung open, revealing Lisa holding a dog's leash. She accidentally dropped it and the adorable dog came running towards me. I kneeled to pet him and he started licking me.

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