
71 4 0

October 29, 2015

The Avengers compound was silent. Normal for two o'clock a.m. But not all was still. In a lab on the third floor, three people were busy at work, as they had been for the last four months.

"Okay, try it now," the woman said. She was tall and tan-skinned, with dark hair and eyes. The older of the two men turned on the machine they were all working on, and the three turned to the table apprehensively. They were hoping. After a moment, the man sighed.

"It didn't work," he said. "Just like everything else." The younger boy shook his head.

"No," he said, "it has to work. You said it would work!" The Asian woman sighed.

"This kind of thing isn't foolproof," she said. "There is no guarantee." The platinum blond shook his head and walked out of the room. The woman started to go after him, but the older man shook his head.

"Let him go," he said. "He's taking this hard. Harder than the rest of us." She looked at him.

"Even you?" she asked. "I mean, Tony, she was your daughter." He sighed, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Yeah," he said quietly. "I helped her, and I loved her. But they went through a lot together. They were the same. He loved her too." She nodded.

"Come on," she said quietly. "I think we all need some sleep." He nodded and stood up, making his way to bed.

Later that day, the three were better rested than they had been, and everyone was gathered in the living room, simply enjoying each other's company. Some were paying attention to the tv, some their phones, and some were just talking to each other when the power shut out. Tony frowned.

"That shouldn't happen," he said. "Friday, where's the generator?"

"The emergency generator has been drained," the UI replied quickly. The billionaire's eyes widened as he looked around, his eyes landing on the older of the Maximoff twins. They stared at each other in disbelief.

"You don't think..," the boy trailed off. Tony nodded, and the two took off running towards the lab. They soon arrived to see the room trashed, equipment lying in random places, and sparks flying from a few disconnected wires. And there, amidst it all, was a lone figure, standing with their back to the two men. Tony motioned for Pietro to stay behind him and stepped forward cautiously.

"Chris?" he called quietly. The girl flinched at the voice, turning slightly but not facing them. "Chris, it's alright. You're alright." The brunette girl finally turned to face them, but she wasn't clear. To Tony and Pietro, it appeared she was blurred, and her eyes were glowing a pure white.

"Chris," Pietro said softly. "It's okay. You're home." She tilted her head to the side as she watched them. Suddenly, however, she doubled over, clutching her arms to her chest. This made Pietro's eyes widen as he recalled what she had done when she was shot. He let out a shaky breath, and Chris looked up at him suddenly before running off. The older speedster didn't waste any time before running after her.

The two must have run all around the compound before Chris cried out and stopped in the middle of the yard, her arms wrapped around herself tightly. Pietro stopped in front of her, not going closer for fear of startling her again.

"Chris?" he asked quietly. "Љубав?" She looked up at him, breathing heavily, and he took careful steps towards her. She didn't stop him, so he continued until he was right in front of her. He slowly lifted his hands to cup her face. She stopped shaking, becoming clearer to see once again. Finally, her eyes seemed to dull, but they remained a pearly white, as if she were blind, and were circled by scars. Pietro smiled.

"Вратио си се," he said happily. Chris gasped quietly as she regained her sense of surroundings.

"Pietro?" she asked so quietly he almost didn't hear it. "I...I..." She couldn't finish as she began to sob with no tears, clutching the areas where she had been shot again. Pietro wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back as he used to.

"Shh," he cooed. "Shh, it's alright, Љубави моја, it's alright."


Љубав - love

Вратио си се - You're back

Љубави моја - my love

Okay, so now do you guys not hate me? I wasn't about to just kill her after one book where she never really got to do much

Seriously tho, what do you think?

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