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I'm A girl

A broken one

One that cries every night

Becasue of the words

Because of them

We try to lie to ourselves

"Suicide is never the answer" Says they hypricate

Im a hypicrate

I tell others to stay strong

I bring them out of their own self hate

When I cant even save myself

Im a girl

A broken one

The darkness it surrounds us

As we try to find a light

Reaching for the light switch

When It dissapears, into the darkness. 

It consumes us, pins us against a corner

It hisses

We lie to ourselves, saying not to be afraid

We arent scared of monsters, or the boggie man

But rather of ourselves

For we finally learned the real monsters are in our heads

She was 7

She was in the second grade, when she was first called ugly.

The darkness began consuming her then

By the time she was 12 she had began cutting

At age 13 she was called porkchop

For she wasnt the skinniest in her class

She started in grade 6.



Now she is a beautiful woman of 25

But she doesnt feel beautiful

The scars on her wrists didn't dissapear

They just got deeper, bloodier.

She hates the mirror

To her it is broken

But in reality, she is broken.

I am a girl

A broken one.

Poems by a Broken OneWhere stories live. Discover now