Chapter 2: A Letter from Mayor Fink

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Runa went to get the door. She reached for the doorknob and pushed it open it to reveal a mailman giving her a letter.

"A letter from Mayor Fink," he said giving it to her.

"Uh," she said confusingly taking the letter. "Thanks?"

The mailman then, nodded and walked away. Runa's hand reached the doorknob and pulled the door closed. She didn't even know why the mayor wanted to give it to her. That's because she's never received any letter from the mailman before.
She went to sit down on a couch to open it. What she saw was an invitation. And it's not an invitation to any event.

Meet me at my office in my mansion. I need to talk you about something really important.

— Mayor Fink

Why would I meet him at the mansion? I mean, it doesn't say what time, she thought.

Runa thought about it for a moment and sighed,"Guess he wanted me to meet him now. Like right now? If so, it better be good or else I'll reject that offer. Politely."

As she said this, Runa went put of her house bringing a letter with her. Her house is almost at the edge of the village.

Along the way, Runa saw Team Sonic passing by.

"Hey, Runa," said Sonic. "We've been looking all over for you."

"What's that all about?" asked Runa, her head turning to them.

"Nothing much. We're just heading to Meh Burger for a break. Wanna come?" asked Amy.

"I would, but the Mayor just asked me to meet him at his office for something important. Maybe some other time," answered Runa.

"Oh, okay. Have fun!" said Knuckles as they continued walking along.

Then, Runa kept walking at the right direction to the Mayor's Mansion.

When she arrived, she looked at the letter again, then at the mansion.

Well, this is it, she thought, then she sighed. Again, it'd better be good or I'll politely reject that offer.

With that being thought, Runa went inside to go to the Mayor's office.

When she arrived, Mayor Fink became delighted to see her.

"Ah, Runa! Just in time!" he exclaimed happily as he went to take a seat on his chair in front of his desk.
Then, she went in front of his desk and told him,"I received your letter and told me to meet you here, which I thought is right now."

"Yes and the whole village wanted me to talk to you about something important," he said.

"I know. I know," she said. "So what do you want to talk about?"

In response, Mayor Fink told her something unexpected. Something which shocked her as she never experienced a thing or two before.

Now, let's look at what happened to Team Sonic during Runa's talk with the mayor. Team Sonic were walking to Meh Burger to have a break. When they arrived, Sonic ordered one Chili dog while the rest ordered one burger for each. Each tray has soda on it.

During a morning break...

"I've been thinking. Shouldn't we ask Runa what's really going on?" asked Amy.

"I don't know," answered Sonic. "What's up with her?"

"Maybe she's trying to avoid us or maybe she's secretly working with Dr. Eggman himself," theorized Sticks.

"I don't think that and besides, Runa is our best friend," said Knuckles.

"She's more than a best friend, Knuckles. She's a family," corrected Sonic. "We adopted her a few months ago. Remember?"

Knuckles thought about that and a second later, his eyes widened a bit as he realized that Sonic was right,"Oh, right."

"We could ask her later when there's time or possibly when she gets back", said Tails, then he looked at the others asking. "Does anyone else wonder why she isn't with us today?"

"She's out there looking for a date," they heard an ox, who's sitting by the table nearby theirs, answered Tails' question. And that ox happened to be none other than Mike.

Sonic choked while eating a Chili dog. After a moment, he and the others turned to an ox and exclaimed in shock,"What?!"

"Yes. She's old enough to have one," said an ox.

"Aw, Runa's gonna have a date! It'll be so adorable!" Amy said in awe.

"She's getting a date on her own?" asked Knuckles.

"No. The villagers forced her to," answered an ox.

They gasped again. This time, in complete shock.

Back with Runa...

"You're getting me a date?!?!?!?!?!" she asked in a slow, but loud expression.

"Yes. How can someone like you would stay single?" the mayor asked.

"But I've never experienced having a 'so-callled' date before," she told him.

"The villagers demanded me to look for someone, whom you will date. That's why I sent you this letter," said Mayor Fink.

"Then, why are you telling me this now? I can't date someone I just met," said Runa.

"Because you're old enough to find your special someone," he answered.

"You know I can look for someone mentally all by myself. There's no need to force me to do that," said Runa, this time with full respect and honor.

"Then, when will you get yourself a date?" he asked.

"When the time is right," she answered in that same voice.

"Well, today is the right time," said Mayor Fink. "The villagers will keep demanding me the same thing if you don't agree."

"Not that. As in myself meeting someone naturally," said Runa.

Mayor Fink spoke about the deal, but Runa didn't listen to any single word because memories of her vision last night ran back into her head. Especially the time she first met Shadow. If she would agree with looking for a date, he should be her special someone.

She was brought back to reality when Mayor Fink asked her,"So, Runa, take the deal or leave it?"
As he said this, he held out his hand to see if the deal is taken. Runa, knowing that she had no choice and knowing that she would she Shadow again, accepted the deal.

Just as they're about to shake hands, the door opened to reveal an old monkey telling Runa,"I thought it would be a good time to tell you that there are several boys, who really wanted to date you."

She facepalmed sighing,"Oh no."

Back with Team Sonic...

"Wait! They're getting her a date?!" asked Sonic in complete shock.

The ox nodded his head,"Mhm."

"Runa once told me that she will find herself a date naturally," Tails told him.

"Tails is right," said Sonic. "You can't force her to do something like this!"

"It's either her finding one naturally or her being sick of all the demands!" theorized Sticks.

"Let's just not worry about it. There will be a good time for her to find a date naturally," suggested Amy.

As she said this, they continued eating their meals. After that, they headed out for a walk to the Mayor's Mansion and at a same time, looking for Runa.

Soon, when they weren't looking, they were knocked out by a red and black blur. They looked up to see someone familiar, but it's not Eggman. It was Shadow the Hedgehog himself.

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