- Chapter 1 -

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I added more leg, and Ruby cantered faster. Even though she was only a little pony, she loved the cross-country course, and she was good at jumping, even if it was only two-feet. We jumped the first jump. Land, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... and we did it! Ruby jumped the tallest jumps she had ever jumped! Two-six! I was so excited. I pet her and smiled and kissed her and hugged her. I was overjoyed with her progress. I cantered away and then in a circle, because we were going to run back into the woods. I slowed her to a trot, and finally a walk. I pet her again and praised her. Then, Natalie ran out from the sidelines and to me. She held Ruby's head to her chest. She smiled and patted her, telling her how proud she was. "I can't believe she jumped that!" She said, looking at me. I laughed. "I think she was excited to do it. She got faster and faster when she saw it, and then she did that tiger-leap thing she always does." It was true. Ruby probably was excited. And she did to the tiger thing. She always throws her front feet forwards, as if preparing her jump. Then, I saw Julia, waving my phone in the air. She looked concerned. I looked at Natalie, and then I ran to her. "What is it?" I gasped, grabbing my phone. "It's a video of Grace. She tried show-jumping. She says she likes it." Julia told me. "And why, may I ask, did you read my texts?" I looked at Julia, putting my phone in my pocket. "Well, it was Grace, and-" I didn't let her finish. I rolled my eyes, and I walked back to Natalie. She was pulling the reins over Ruby's head and walking to the exit gate. Emily and Carla walked up to me. Carla went for Ruby, because, well, she was Ruby's trainer. But, Emily, on the other hand, walked up to me. "Great job!" She said, shaking my shoulders a bit. I smiled, and said, "Thanks. Hey, is it true that you had Grace do some show jumping?" Emily nodded. "Yep. She had a lot of fun. Have you every thought of trying it? Ronnie was originally trained for it, y'know." I felt a surge of shock run through my veins. Me? Show jump? How did Emily know that - "Yes! I've been wanting to for ages!" I blurted out. It was true, I had wanted to for a while, and my pony, Ronnie, was always looking like she could show jump. "Great! How about tomorrow? I know tonight you have your 16th birthday celebration." Emily said, tilting her head. "Ok!" I said, and I roamed off to the barn.


When I got in my car, I finally took my helmet off. Then, I drove. It took me four hours to get home, but when I did, it was amazing. I ran to my room, which was covered with pictures of Ronnie, and ribbons, and reframed photos of me, Natalie, and Julia. That's all I care about, really. Those things. Ribbons, Ronnie, and my best friends. I pulled of my breeches and shirt and grabbed a t-shirt and shorts out of my drawer. The shirt had my barn symbol on it, and the shorts had a bevels mark on them. I brushed my hair and and put on some boots. Not riding boots, obviously, but, boots. Chill boots. Then, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door and opened it. "Hey!" I said to Natalie and Julia. "Hi Caroline!" Natalie said. Julia stayed silent, but that's what she does. She's happy, but... there's not much to say about it. I had them follow me outside and to the car. We all got in, and drove to the barn. "Where's everyone else?" Julia asked. "They're meeting us at the barn." I said. When we arrived, I walked into the he barn. Julia ran straight to her pony, Ricky Bobby, and Natalie, to hers, Ruby. I ran to Ronnie. I kissed her on the nose, and said, "Bareback time!" Julia and Natalie nodded, smiled, and started putting on the bridles of their ponies. I finally put the end of Ronnie's throat latch trough the keeper, and I was ready. I decided not to wear a helmet, because, why not? Me, Julia, and Natalie walked into the arena, where a lot of jumps were set. I was annoyed that they were still up, but I didn't really care. They were two-six, so it wasn't that bad. I walked over to the mounting block and got on. So did Julia and Natalie. Then, Carolyn, Sophia, Olivia, Abby, Carolina, Grace, Maddie, Rachel, Jacklyn, Erin, and Sam walked in on their horses, half of them with saddles, half of them not. I was so excited to start this, and from my excitement, I shook my legs a little, and accidentally, Ronnie started cantering. I was right behind Julia, so Ricky started cantering, and a domino effect started. Everyone started cantering. Since Ronnie doesn't like other horses, I cut in through the middle, and BAM! Ronnie jumped the jump that was across the diagonal. I had never jumped this high bareback. I fell forward and hit my head on Ronnie's neck. My legs went back and I fell to the side. I held onto Ronnie's mane, and then I fell onto the jump. My spine hit the rail hard, and my head hit the standard. I rolled onto the he footing and tears rolled down my cheeks, but I wasn't sad. Colin ran over to me. "Oh my God!" Natalie said, dismounting and taking Ruby with her to me. "Are you okay Caroline? Never do this again, this is-" but I stopped Colin. "I love show jumping." I whispered, smiling. Since Colin was my brother, this would easily spread to my parents, which would lead to me being in trouble for my idea. I watched as Julia dismounted Ricky and tried options catch Ronnie. She did, and gave a her a soft smack on the nose, and a quiet talking-to. Then, I looked through the gates of the arena in a haze, to see my parents getting out of their car. They took one look at Julia, Natalie, and Colin, and knew something had happened. My dad slipped under the gate, and Colin ran to him, dropping my head abruptly. "Owwww." I said, rubbing it. When I saw Colin tell my parents something. Their faces turned angry, and I heard them say, "SHOW JUMPING?!"

The Smallest Change {cwriteshp}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang