21. Operation: Get Jeanie a Date!

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I yelped as Algerie yanked me out of my seat.

"Bonne chance! Good luck!" Richelieu called out as I was dragged away kicking and screaming.

"Let go of me!" I growled.

"Jeanie, we both know you just want to stall," Algerie said.

"That's not...! I...! Y-Ya didn't even let me get ready! We're just gonna go up there, I'm gonna make an ass outta myself, and he'll never wanna talk to me aga—"

"Jeanie!" Algerie said, turning around and firmly grabbing my shoulders. "Relax. Deep breaths."

Algerie tried to lead me in some breathing exercises. How ironic.

For what it's worth, it helped a little.

"I'm... calm..." I said, though my mood was hanging by a thread.

"Good," Algerie said. "Forgive me if I was a bit forceful. Perhaps I got too excited."

I pursed my lips. "I-I'm just... ngh... I'm nervous."

"I know, and I'm sorry for being insensitive," Algerie said. "But Dunkerque and I are going with you for a reason. We'll talk you up, he becomes interested, and then you go in for the kill. Ergh... so-to-speak."

I looked back at Richelieu, who gave me a wave and a smile.

"Why isn't Richelieu going with us?" I asked.

"Don't worry. She has her role to play," Algerie said.

I only grumbled.

"The anxiety won't magically go away," Algerie said. "The only solution is to fight through it."

"Algerie, if this doesn't work..."

"It will. Trust me. Trust us. Who better to speak highly of you than your closest friends, hm?" Algerie said. "As for you, stand up straight, look him in the eyes, maybe... puff your chest out a little?"

"Wh-What? No!" I said, covering the exposed part of my chest. "Wh-Why would I do that?!"

"Well, you want to encourage him to say yes, right?" Algerie said. "Accentuating your chest in that lovely low-cut top? That should butter him up really nicely."

She winked, and I blushed.

"Non!" I protested. "I want him to date me for me, not my boobs!"

Algerie giggled. "Fair enough. Only a suggestion. And I can't resist teasing a little."

"Not helping," I groaned.

"Right. My apologies," Algerie said. "Teasing aside, how about this?"

Algerie closed her eyes and shook her head to toss her hair, using her hands to smooth it out afterward.

"I-I don't follow," I said. "Just... toss my hair?"

"Mmmhmm! Algerie said. "Trust me, tossing that long, beautiful hair of yours will be utterly hypnotic to him."

"I just do that anyway," I said. "Does he really find that attractive?"

"I think you'd be surprised to know what he finds attractive," Algerie said. "Even the simplest things we ladies do without a second thought."

I pursed my lips. "But I don't wanna be just a flower vase."

"Oh, of course. Those are merely hors d'oeuvres," Algerie said. "As part of the entrée, you could give him a compliment. His eyes? His hair? Flatter him!"

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