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What if the moon never shined full again?
What if every night we're black?
The sky, dark and dim.
Would then the silver of the crescents taunting grin.
It still haunts me with thoughts of him
My Moon, My Sin?

It still haunts me with thoughts of himMy Moon, My Sin?

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August 4th 2018

Kier patiently waited for his father to move from in front of him, unsure if he should be polite and wait or push him out of frustration.

"Boy didn't I tell you to get your shit out of my house." Tyrone, his sperm donor yelled.

Kier smacked his lips, rolling his eyes. "Man get out my damn way," Kier mumbled, clenching his jaw.

Every day it's the same bullshit with him.

Kier pushes past his father, not missing the disappointment in his mother's face.

In his lower abdomen, he is experiencing pain. Kier examines his shirt, which is stained with tiny quantities of blood.

In agony, he tightens his jaw and slowly raises his head.

When he looks over, he sees his father holding a gun. As his father drew the trigger, his mother cried.


"Now get the fuck out of my house!" Tyrone yelled violently, ignoring his wife and continuing to aim the loaded gun at Kier.

His mother looks down at him, tears welling up in her eyes, and she sniffles lightly."Just go baby please I don't want him to hurt you." She muttered.

Kier sighed and clutched his hand in an attempt to avoid the bleeding. Kier hears his little sister scream as he walks out the door. That infuriated him even more.


Kier sits in the car, his gaze falling on his abdomen's freshly wrapped bandages.

He takes out the pistol from his glove compartment and waves it around.

"You thought you could get rid of me pussy ass nigga." Kier practiced out loud.

Kier picks up the clip and loads the gun up. "Bout to fuck this nigga whole life up." He mumbled.

Kier gets out of the car and sprints up to his mother's house. Kier begins pounding on the door without a thought.

When the door opened, Kier instinctively pulled the trigger.



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June 25th 2021

"Just open it." Verity was urged by her younger brother. She had the key to her future in the letter she was holding.

"I'm just afraid. What if I'm not admitted? As the Spelman University emblem looks at her, she expresses her worries. Shanice, her mother, tries to calm her nerves by saying, "Then that means you should stay close to home."

"Just give it here." Immanuel snaps, drawing the attention of his wife and two children. Her father was impatient, to say the least. "But, Daddy-"

"Sunshine, no. It's their L if they don't like you." He tells them before asking, "I said that right, right?" Before lifting her fingers to open the packet, Verity laughs at her father's attempt at slang. She was aware of what was about to be read, but she clung to hope.

"Dear Verity Golden, We regret to notify you that you have not been chosen to be a member of the Spelman University Class of 2025." She read the text aloud.

"I'm so sorry, baby." Shanice says as she bends down to hug her daughter. "It's fine." Verity mumbles, attempting not to express her dissatisfaction.

"You can apply again for next year." Her brother Javon suggests. "If they don't want me now, why would they change their minds in a year?" Verity's voice breaks making her mother's hold on her tighten.

"Sunshine, don't think like that. In a year, a lot can happen. You never know what could happen. Xavier could be the ideal school for you, and you're just not aware of it." Verity's father tried to console her.

"Rell's sister went there and said it was awful." Verity was well aware that her brother was lying. It was something their father had passed on to them. They'd say something to make someone they care for feel better.

"It's okay." Shanice murmurs, softly brushing away the tears that had begun to fall. "I gave it my all." Verity whispers as her mask breaks down entirely.

"We are aware." As Javon watches from afar, Immanuel tells her and joins the embrace. "We love you." Finally, he joined in the embrace.

"That means you can drive me to school in your new car. Yeah, I'm going to get all the girls in there." Javon says, making her laugh. "See, baby. Staying home for school has not gone that bad. You got us."

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