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This is the page where you can leave requests for imagines or preferences about members from different royal family's from mostly Europe because have more knowledge about European royal family's.

Things you need to put in your request for imagines:
1. The royal family you want the imagine about.

2. The member of the royal family that you chose that you want as the love interest in the imagine.

3. The story line for the imagine.

If you leave these three things in your request then I'm going to do my best to make a nice imagine for you.

Things you need to put in your request for a preferences:
1. The royal family that you want for the preference.

2. The theme that you want the preference to be about for example "How did you met".

If you leave these things I will make sure that it will be a nice preference.

Xxx. Eva

A/N: My first language is not English but Dutch so of I make spelling mistakes then you know why.

Royal Family's Imagines & Preferences (Requests OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now