Liam Imagine

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If you feel like listening to it as you read, the video on the side is the song I listened to on repeat while I wrote this.


"Elena are you sure about this?" Liam asked, unsure as you lead him up the stairs to your room.

"Yes, Liam. Its ok. My parents won't be home until tomorrow night" You answered with a smile as you opened your bedroom door

He relaxed a bit as the two of you set your backpacks by the door. You took your jacket off then turned to look at him. He looked at you and you kissed him. As you kissed, he backed you up to your bed and the two of lied on it, you on your back with him on top of you. Neither of you broke the kiss as his wandered your body. You rested your arms around his neck and pulled him down, closer to you and "unintentionally" more against you. He moaned into the kiss a bit and then you felt him tightened his grip on your hip a bit. He deepened the kiss as you felt his nails start to press into your skin. You thought nothing of it until it started to hurt. You shifted a bit but ended up brushing against him and a growl escaped from his throat. He went take your shirt off when you stopped him, feeling something like fangs growing in his mouth as you kissed.

"Babe?" You questioned as you pulled away

You opened your eyes to see him opening his. His eyes were yellow and he had claws and pointed ears. You gasped in surprise.

He backed off of you and stood on the other side of the room, his back to you as he tried to calm down with his foreheard against the wall. He closed his eyes and took deep, slow breaths but it wasn't working. You got up from your bed and slowly walked closer to him.

"Elena, I don't want to hurt you. Please, stay back" He whispered

"Liam, its ok. I trust you" You replied and he growled again but out of frustration because he couldn't calm down

You cautiously walked to his side "Liam" You spoke softly in his ear as you ran your fingers through his hair.

He opened his eyes and turned his head to look at you just as his eyes started to change back to ocean blue. He started to calm down and shift back. You smiled at him reassuringly and he smiled back.

"So" You started "Werewolf, huh?" You added

He nodded "Yeah" He replied then began to tell you about everythihg and how Scott turned him

After he explained everything you understood it all and accepted it right then and there, to his surprise. The two of decided on a movie night, you got through 3 and a half movies before the two of fell asleep, cuddled up together on your bed.


Liam was by his and your shared locker with Scott and Stiles, explaining what had happened the previous night. You walked down the stairs and around the corner towards your locker when you saw the boys there. As you walked down the hallway towards them you saw Scott smile.

"She's your anchor" You heard him say as you got to them

"What's going on?" You asked as you put your English book in the already opened locker

"You're his anchor" Scott answered, still smiling

"I don't know what that is" You responded and Liam chuckled before he and Scott explained it to you

"But its not always someone" Stiles chimed in "It can be an emotion too, like for Derek" He added

You nodded "Sounds .... fascinating" You said and they laughed

The bell rang, signaling Economics, the class you had with the three of them. THe four of you started walked down the hallway after you got your book. Liam walked at your side and slid his hand into yours, intwining your fingers together. You looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back, kissing your temple and making you giggle as Scott and Stiles rolled their eyes.


There you go, Elena! I didn't really have an idea so I just went with the first thing that I thought of and started writing it last night. I hope you like it! I tried my best to make it good =)

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