The Song You Strip To For Him

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Derek: Straight To Number One ~ Touch & Go

Stiles: Buttons ~ Pussycat Dolls

Isaac: Dirrty ~ Christina Aguilera

Scott: Don't Cha ~ Pussycat Dolls

Jackson: Candy Shop ~ 50 Cent

Aiden: Peaches N' Cream (Explicit) ~ 112

Liam: I'm A Slave 4 U ~ Britney Spears

Deputy Jordan Parrish: Hot In Here ~ Nelly


Derek's took me forever to decide on. I wanted something slow but sexy but I couldn't find anything that fit the way I wanted. The one I finally chose is from a TV show called Queer As Folk that some might know about. I've been searching for one for Derek since Saturday night. I think Straight To Number One works though, its slow but sexy and I like it for Derek, I think it fits pretty well. Let me know what you think =)

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