Radha was taken aback. She turned to Dev, "Dev, what is wrong with you? You've never spoken like this or of this ever, why suddenly?" she said as she ran her hand on his face. 

"Radha, when we parted ways and you chose to get married, I didn't hinder it once, because I just wanted you to be happy! And now when I look at you, i know you aren't happy! You don't tell me things, but do you think i don't know! I know that they just want you to give them a grandchild and I know that the asshole you got married to doesn't even look at you, let alone care!" He ran his hand on her face, "Look at you, you seem so exhausted, you've lost so much weight and you try so hard to smile!" 

"You're just 24 Radha, I worry for you! If you don't find a way out then what what? You can't spend your entire life like this Radha! what about what you want?" Dev reasoned. Radha smiled slightly. 

"Dev, I've accepted my life like this, this is my life, whatever happens will happen" Radha explained 

"So what if one day that bastard decides to give you a divorce, what next?" Dev argued

"Dev do you really think I am that weak? if he gives me a divorce then what? Do you think I fear that? I absolutely don't, yes my start up isn't profitable but it's given me enough money to save for myself and sustain living alone! I am not dependent on anyone! I am staying there for my parents and his parents!" Radha explained to him once again. 

"Besides on some days it's just good humor!" she added 

"Why are you worried about all this darling, you are my happy place, by home away from all the worries and jerks of reality! How does it matter, when we are together, I am fearless! bold and beautiful!" Radha cajoled him as he took his face in her arms and teased him on his lips, first kissing him on the nose and then his lips. Dev slowly unbuttoned her blouse making Radha burst out laughing. 

"Dev,, ahaha! You're crazy, I can't, not now, I am already late, I keep saying traffic next to the railway station all the time!" Radha jumped

Dev frowned and rolled her eyes, Radha took pity on him and gave her a passionate kiss which then evolved into a hug. Dev picked her up and turned her around, making her giggle, but that's when her eyes went on the photoframe. She suddenly stopped giggling. A sudden silence took over.

Dev looked at her wondering why she had suddenly lost her jolly mood and noticed her looking at the photoframe on his website. 

"Oh god, I am so sorry! My mother insists on having this on my bedside" Dev said as he walked and quickly put the photoframe in the drawer. Radha awkwardly looked around for her handbag and quickly picked it up. Dev rushed to her side to prepare her for departure by kissing her on the forehead. She gave him a polite smile and quickly walked out to hide her flushed demeanor. 

Dev sat on the bed at that moment, wondering if what he was doing was right. He took the photoframe out and placed it on the bed side, without glancing at it even once. He loved Radha, very much but the odds of them being together legitimately were equivalent to the odds of two even numbers being added up to give an odd, impossible. 

How long could they put up this hide and seek before someone would know? How long would he put up the charades with the other woman in his life? What would he say to his wife? 

It didn't matter, for a stranger, he couldn't leave the love of his life, especially not alone when she was fighting her own battles

Radha entered from the backdoor, so she could go to her room and look presentable. The kapoor house was expecting guests today, her mother-in-law's guests, which meant she had to look like she was going to meet Queen Elizabeth. 

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